The NFL decides that no changes will be made to the draft smuggling rule despite negative reactions, higher penalties


Coaches, players, fans and competition committee members have all expressed concerns about the sharp increase in penalties for passers-by, but the league has decided to stay the course. No real change is forthcoming.

On Thursday, two days after several reports indicated that the members of the NFL Competition Committee were "uncomfortable" with the rule as it stood and would discuss the issue at a teleconference, the NFL announced that it would not make any changes to the rule or the application of the rule. The focus on the weight portion of the rule, which prevents defenders from landing on a quarter with their total weight and driving a quarter into the ground with excessive force, will remain in place.

The statement Executive Vice President of Football Operations Troy Vincent:

The NFL Competition Committee met last night via conference call to discuss enforcement of the passers-by law with emphasis on the use of body weight by a defender. The committee reviewed the video of draft smuggling fouls this season to date and in 2017.

In reiterating its position on the protection of shifts, the committee determined that there would be no change to the approval point approved this spring or to the rule that the body weight provision has been in place since 1995.

To ensure consistency of arbitration, the committee clarified the techniques constituting a fault.

Video feedback will continue to be provided throughout the season to coaches, players and officials, illustrating a clear example of authorized and unacceptable quarterly contact.

At the end of this statement, the NFL included a link to a video in which Al Riveron, the official of the league officials, provides some examples of legal and illegal contacts on the quarterbacks. The first game is the quarterback blow of Packers, Aaron Rodgers – through the intermediary of Vikings' linebacker Anthony Barr – who broke his collarbone and forced him to miss a big chunk of last season. Barr was not marked at the time, but Riveron made it clear that it would be a penalty today. And for what it's worth, some Packers players – like Clay Matthews and Ha Ha Clinton-Dix – criticized Barr for this coup at the time.

The video continues to show more examples, none of which will likely influence what you think of the rule, regardless of your initial position. The video is missing the recent success of William Hayes, who was trying to avoid a penalty in the body weight aspect of the rule and ended up tearing his ACL in the process.

In many ways, Rodgers' success seems to have been the momentum for the point of interest that the league approved during the off season. Nobody wants to watch the NFL Brett Hundleys instead of the NFL Aaron Rodgers. The NFL is a league run by a quarter. When Rodgers, Brady and Brees are in good health, the NFL could be the most exciting and exciting league in the world. When they are not healthy and the Hundleys, Osweilers and Beathards (Welcome back!) are forced to fill, the league becomes almost implausible. In this sense, it is easy to understand the intent of the NFL. Protecting the quarterbacks (and all players) should be one of their main goals. In many ways, the future of sport depends on it.

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But as we have seen so far this season, the focus has been on controversial and costly penalties. Clay Matthews has been scored twice on shots that seemed to be clean. The biggest problem is that it is difficult for a smuggler to hit a quarterback and prevent his body from continuing to the ground with the quarterback. It may not only be difficult. It could be almost impossible.

According to ESPN, officials have already beaten the passer 34 times this season. During the first three weeks of the 2016 and 2017 season, there were 20 and 16 draft calls respectively.

At present, it is clear that the vast majority of the NFL community wants the league to change its position on the rule. same quarterbacks, as Aaron Rodgers, have expressed their concerns. But the league does not seem to be about to make real changes. This should not be a surprise. The piece "Dez Caught It" took place more than three and a half years ago and we still do not know what a catch is.

Going forward, coaches would be well advised to accept that the rule is the rule, that it will not change and that it is time to help their players avoid penalties. As Warren Sharp put it on Twitter"Go ahead, as a coach, you can cry about it or you can start to make sure, through teaching and playing, that you are maximizing your limits. two, that's way too little. "

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