"The Nibiru have withdrawn" Scientists hear about the consequences of the assault of the theorists of the planet X


magictr | September 16, 2018 | Sciense |

"The dying celebrity" has severely damaged the Earth's ozone layer, causing droughts, floods and a surprisingly hot climate that can turn into a long time. Under the pretext of fighting against global warming, experts are trying to prevent failures, murmuring ufologists.

This week, at the World Climate Summit in San Francisco, ten states and cities joined the Alliance for Conservation, agreeing to reduce carbon emissions and not believing in national governments. The cry of "dirty" companies, mostly in the United States, where thousands of cities are striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by 26% by 2025, in line with the Paris settlement. Yes, President Trump has decided to withdraw the United States from the Environmental Alliance, otherwise until November 2020, his verdict is illegitimate. In fact, much of the San Francisco summit has shown that it must probably be made without the participation of a dialogue or simply "insufficient" for national governments.

Nevertheless, in the context of scandals and general confusion, hides a mediocre fact, ecstatic theorists. Under the pretext of paperwork to minimize carbon emissions, scientists have agreed on the consequences of the onslaught of Planet X. Nibiru has been modified several thousand miles away from the Earth. Fortunately, the cramped distance altered at one time to speak about it that our "house" left in its orbit, and the "dying star" was removed, going beyond the voltaic draw of Portray to atomize various objects, murmurs the ufologists.
But Nibiru managed to remotely attack the Earth with the burning energy of a large energy, substantially cutting the thickness of the ozone layer. This explains the simultaneous beneficial explosions of volcanoes all over the world and the varied failures on a large scale. If humanity fails to buy drastic measures and will no longer contribute to the self-therapeutic of our planet by mid-century, the Earth will warm a few degrees, will probably be established to an abnormally hot climate, natural failures will prolong ten birth to slowly crush people, warn theorists.
Opponents of science have concluded that the fact is that global warming leaves no room for the horror of Nibiru's return.

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