The Northwest has just made its podium debut and Kim Kardashian could not be more proud


The Northwest is not your typical child. Unlike other little girls, she asks her mother questions like "Why are you so famous?" and the makeup with which she plays comes from her mother's very successful cosmetics line. So, it's only natural that she takes a step ahead of anything that "dominates the world of fashion" (she did it East Yeezy, after all) making his debut this weekend.

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Yesterday afternoon, North rolled the track of the brand L.O.L. Surprise dressed in "Thrilla", a tribute to the thriller of Michael Jackson. And the North already knows how Werk a track – its turn at the end of the bridge was spectacular.

Kim Kardashian attends the start of the North West Trail at L.O.L. Surprise! Fashion show

The North Thrilla outfit


Mom Kim captured everything on her Instagram stories, and was obviously very proud of North, shouting "Go Northie!" and "Woo!" all the time his daughter was on the track. Watch Nord Strut:

So, if you were not already jealous of the North, know that she clearly has a future in modeling if she wants to, and that she only has 5 years! 5 years old, people!

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