The Nun: The real story behind the prequel


Attention: SPOILERS for The nun

Conspiracy universe has scared millions, but its origins are finally revealed in The nun. A prequel that spin-off established decades before the rest of the Conjuring the obsession with the universe, fans will want to know: how true is this story?

If this is not true, then what is its base or inspired by the very real paranormal investigations conducted by Ed and Warren Lorraine. Actors Patrick Wilson and Vera Farmiga have made the Warrens fame for horror fans, but previous films have established tenuous connections between facts, fiction and fantasy. And now, horror fans know that they will probably not see faithful account of how the original story unfolded.

RELATED: Does the nun have a scene after the credits?

The nun may be a similar case, but actual numbers, places, and stories of demonic possession serve as a basis for large parts of the movie … more than expected.

Yes, Valak The president of hell is a real demon

We hope readers will understand that to say that any demon is "real" or fictional means to draw a line not between true or false, but between the creation of the film and the referencing of demon history established . And while Valak takes this specific appearance in Conspiracy the universe is a style choice of filmmakers, the demon itself is quite well known to demonologists, holding the same rank and the same titles as those disclosed in the film.

We will stop diving deeper into the categories and names of the 72 demons codified in the Ars Goetia of Lower Key of Solomon one of the most iconic texts of the 17th century on demons and demonology (and considered a compilation of texts that go back even further in the 1400s). Curious readers can throw themselves into these rabbit holes. All moviegoers probably want to know that yes, "Valak" or "Valac" is one of those demons. Although he is generally portrayed as a young boy with angel wings, he rides on a two-headed dragon and can deliver those who contact him in treasures or snakes.

But the movie The appearance of Valak is also linked to real inspirations of Lorraine Warren herself.

A silhouette similar to Nun really haunted Lorraine Warren

The demonic white-faced nun is not related to the traditional appearance of the Valak demon – but is it based on anything other than Hollywood marketing? Surprisingly, yes. By doing the press turn for The Conjuring 2, where the nun appeared for the first time as the real antagonist of the series that haunts Lorraine Warren (Farmiga), the director James Wan explained I09:

Speaking to Lorraine by the way, she mentioned a ghostly entity that haunted her at home. And I remember hearing that and my first thought was, "Oh, shit, it's going to be a CGI character." I did not want to do that. And so, it took me time to cement in my head what this vision was. And that's finally revealed in a very organic way.

Because it's a demonic vision that haunts her, that only attacks her, I wanted something that could attack her faith. Something that would threaten the safety of her husband. And so the idea of ​​this very iconographic image of a holy icon cemented itself in my head.

So this is it, The nun is visually inspired by the actual entity seen by the actual Lorraine. This helps explain Valak's role in The Conjuring 2 – be linked to Lorraine in particular through visions – but The nun is meant to be a prequel, telling his own story.

So, is the monastery real, with the murders of strange sisters, and the gap in hell opened during the Second World War?

Page 2 of 2: The true monastery and the possession of sisters

Key release dates

  • The nun (2018) release date: 07 Sep 2018
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