The nurse meets with Preemie, she has been busy 28 years ago; now he is a doctor


PALO ALTO, California – A nurse at Lucile's Packard Children's Hospital in Palo Alto, California, had a comforting meeting with a premature baby she helped heal on her return to hospital as a pediatric resident 28 years later. The most unusual part of the story is probably that Vilma Wong remembered Brandon Seminatore and acknowledged his name.

"His last name seemed very familiar," Wong told Mercury News.

Seminatore, a second-year pediatric resident, was in the neonatal intensive care unit about three weeks ago, according to an article posted on the hospital's Facebook page when Wong asked who he was.


"I kept asking where he was from and he told me that he was coming from San Jose, California, and that in fact he was a premature baby." born at our hospital. I found myself very suspicious because I remember being the head nurse of a baby with the same family name, "Wong told the newspaper.

Wong asked if her father was a police officer and after a stunned silence, Seminatore asked if she was Vilma.

The young resident said he was shocked when he realized that Wong was the primary care nurse who helped him stay alive all these years.

"Meeting Vilma was a surreal experience," he said in a statement. "When Vilma recognized my name, it really flowed into the fact that I was one of those babies. I come in a loop and I take care of the babies with the nurse who took care of me.

Seminatore weighed only 2 pounds and 6 ounces when he was born by emergency cesarean section at 29 weeks of gestation in 1990 and spent 40 days at the NICU, according to officials. hospital.

Seminatore immediately alerted his parents, who had attended the annual NICU meetings at the hospital over the years, that he had met Wong.

Seminatore's mother, Laura Seminatore, called Wong and her colleagues "the most wonderful nurses," and told Mercury News that they "helped soothe a lot of fears."

His son said he realized his dedication and love for his career.

"She cares a lot about her patients, so much so that she was able to remember a patient's name almost three decades later. We will not all be lucky to see our patients grow up and I was so happy to be able to share this moment with her, "Brandon Seminatore said.

Wong, who has been working as a nurse for 32 years and is not planning to retire, told Mercury News she was thrilled to meet Brandon Seminatore for the second time.

"As a nurse, it's a lot like your reward."

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