The old torches from producer CNN Acosta: you're really embarrassing and confirm the anti-trumpet bias of the media


Leah covered this earlier this afternoon, but CNN's Jim Acosta is again embarrassed at a White House protest, where we celebrated the sixth anniversary of the tax reform. . a law that has formed the basis of our rapid economic growth. On leaving the podium, Acosta shouted if the president would "stop calling the press the enemy of the people."

Acosta tried to blame the tragic shooting at the Capital Gazette in Annapolis, Maryland, which killed five people. It was not Trump 's fault. The shooter, Jarrod Ramos, 38, used a shotgun to commit the attack and his grievance with the publication dated 2011-12. The left tried to blame the White House Trump; he exploded in their faces. Sorry, but that's what gives credibility to the false news criticism, which, by the way, is from Hillary Clinton, not Trump. Even a former CNN producer, Steve Krakauer, burned Acosta for his behavior, saying that what he did captured is why many lose confidence in the media. It also reinforces the idea that the elite media are biased, that they are allies of the Democratic Party and that they are unquestionably anti-Trump. I know … preaching to the choir here.

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