The opioid crisis began 40 years ago, according to a report


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The current crisis of opioid overdose is actually part of a 40-year trend that continues to progress, and current efforts to combat it may not be enough, researchers said Thursday.

A new analysis of overdose deaths shows that while the drug of choice may change and the types of people affected may change, the trend is clear: the number of Americans dying from overdoses has increased exponentially since decades.

This started before the availability of synthetic opioids, and could have little to do with the prescribing habits of doctors or the unabashed habits of drug manufacturers, found the team at the University of Pittsburgh.

"The opioid crisis may be part of a longer-term process," writes the team in its report in the journal Science.

"The epidemic of drug overdoses in the United States inexorably follows an exponential growth curve since at least 1979, well before the surge in prescription opioids in the mid-1990s."

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