The Oregon governor's final debate ranges from climate change to vaccines. New


Political junkies hoping to hear something new from the top two Oregon governor candidates did not find much on Tuesday night as Democratic Governor Kate Brown and Republican Representative Knute Buehler met for their third and final debate.

Brown and Buehler addressed issues that have become a feature of the campaign, including education funding, homelessness and the state's uncertain budget.

All the while, Buehler continued to question Brown's leadership. And Brown again suggested that Buehler was disconnected from the usual Oregoners, accusing him of changing his political stance.

Republican candidate for governor, Knute Buehler, arrives for his third and final debate with Governor Kate Brown.

Republican candidate for governor, Knute Buehler, arrives for his third and final debate with Governor Kate Brown.

Dirk VanderHart / OPB

But the debate, organized by KGW and The Oregonian / OregonLive, has successfully explored new territories.

Candidates asked a question about vaccinations and asked if Oregon parents should continue to have the freedom to choose when and where to vaccinate their children.

Brown suggested that this approach increases the risk of spreading unnecessary communicable diseases, saying "we are probably giving parents a little room for maneuver".

Buehler, a qualified physician, said he agrees with the Oregon rules.

"I believe in the benefits of vaccination," he said, "but I also think that parents should have the opportunity not to participate."

Candidates also addressed the issue of the death penalty during a debate for the first time. Oregon has not executed an inmate since former governor, John Kitzhaber, announced a moratorium on this practice in 2011.

Brown has maintained this moratorium and said Tuesday that she did not intend to change this approach.

"Under my supervision, no one will be executed," she said.

Buehler reiterated his promise to resume executions, which he had initially expressed as he stood for the Republican nomination earlier this year.

"I will follow the wishes of the voters of Oregon … and I will enforce the death penalty," he said.

Tuesday was also marked the first debate that focused on what was a point of contention in this year's race: abortion. Buehler is still touted as a pro-choice, extolling the laws that he has pushed in favor of allowing women to access birth control over the counter.

Brown and his allies solved the problem, suggesting that Buehler presents himself as a pro-choice only when it suits him politically. As she has said many times, Brown pointed to Buehler's opposition to a 2017 bill expanding access to abortion for all Oregonians.

In one of the most intense exchanges of the night, Buehler replied in these terms: "Gov. Brown knows that when people understand that I am pro-choice, moderate and independent Republican, she is likely to lose this election. "

But Brown insisted. "Representative." Buehler told some voters one thing and another told voters another, "she said." Unfortunately, this match will not work tonight because all of the state is watching. "

Proponents of Governor Kate Brown demonstrate in Portland on the sidelines of the governor's third and final debate in the 2018 campaign.

Proponents of Governor Kate Brown demonstrate in Portland on the sidelines of the governor's third and final debate in the 2018 campaign.

Dirk VanderHart / OPB

The most important discussions of the night took place on the following topics: impending pension crisis and climate change.

The Oregon Public Employees Retirement System, known to the PERS, is facing a funding gap of $ 22 billion. Brown and Buehler clashed to find a solution.

Buehler said he would change public sector employees to a 401 (k) style system similar to most private sector employees. And he added that Oregon needed to ensure that public sector employees contribute to the PERS system – a decision that, according to Brown and his allies of the civil service unions, would significantly reduce the number of retirements of workers .

"I think it's easy for a millionaire to say that he's going to reduce the retirements of Oregon workers," Brown said, citing Buehler's wealth as a physician and man. business. "I do not want to do that."

Brown conceded, however, that public sector employees could "do more" to help solve the problem.

Buehler said Brown's attempts to solve the problem were "political theater," claiming that concessions she had obtained from employees in retirement had been paid back with salary increases.

"It's not leadership, it's prey," he said.

Brown and Buehler were asked about how they would have helped make Oregon a center for green energy. The question may be meaningful in the coming months as Oregon lawmakers seem ready to seriously consider next year's legislative bills that would limit carbon emissions. Buehler said he thought climate change was a threat, but that such a policy would be too expensive.

"A $ 1.4 billion sales tax on energy" would probably be a better way to describe this situation, "said Mr Buehler when one of the moderators insisted on the subject.

The event marked the third candidate debate in one week, and probably the last time Oregon voters will see both candidates on stage together before the November 6 elections.

According to most indicators, the race is tight with a little over a week until the ballots begin to be sent to the electorate. A new survey commissioned by The Oregonian / OregonLive and KGW suggests that Brown was 4 points ahead of Buehler, but that this lead was within the 5.2-point margin of error of the survey. Other recent polls have given similar results.

For the second consecutive debate, the independent party candidate Patrick Starnes was not allowed to participate because polls indicate that he could not reach the 10% threshold set by the organizers. This decision provoked a small demonstration on the outside. About a dozen Starnes supporters outside the KGW studios waved placards saying "Let Patrick Starnes speak" and "Let Patrick Starnes be heard".

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