The Orionid meteor shower rains this weekend!


SEATTLE – You may have spotted a meteor or two hanging out in the sky this month, but the big show will take place this weekend. The Orionid meteor shower will culminate on Saturday evening and Sunday morning (20 and 21 October).

After October 21, you will still see meteors until November 7.

This year, the moon will be almost full, which will decrease the number of meteors.

Astronomers suggest trying to watch the shower early in the morning after the moonset.

The Orionid meteorite rain is not the most productive rain of the year, but its proximity to Orion, easy to locate, and its association with Halley's Comet make it a famous one.

At its peak, the shower typically produces between 10 and 20 meteors per hour.

The Orionids are remnants of the comet Haley, one of the most famous comets, which flew for the last time on Earth in 1986. It should return in 2061.

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