The Orionid meteor shower will reach its peak in the coming days


Delta Aquariids 2018: When to see the July stellar meteor shower

The last spectacular astronomical event is expected to peak in the next few days as Halleys Comet debris is spotted in the night sky.

Star observers can glimpse the Orionid meteor shower. It is said to last from October 2nd to November 7th.

However, it will culminate on the night of 21 October and the early morning of 22 October.

Orionid meteor shower is one of the most reliable of the annual calendar

During its heyday, people will be able to see up to 20 meteors per hour since Comet Halley.

Halley's comet crosses the Earth every 75 to 76 years and, when it by-passes the sun, leaves behind a trail of gas and dust, which can be seen as debris passes through it.

The last time astronomers could see the comet itself, it was in 1986 and the next time it will be close to Earth, it will be in 2061.

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But until then, the Orionid meteor shower is the perfect way to catch the debris left by the famous space rock.

How and where to watch Orionid

The Royal Observatory Greenwich (ROG) states that the Orionid meteor shower "is one of the most known and reliable meteor showers in the annual calendar, visible from around the world."

To get the best chance of seeing the spectacular, stay away from light pollution.

It is therefore best to get away from busy cities, get warm and allow your eyes to adapt to the darkness.

The sky must also be clear, with very little or no cloud cover.

The latest is an event stream for observers. This year alone, astronomers have seen the Delta Aquarids meteor shower and a total lunar eclipse.

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