The Pacers star, Victor Oladipo, explains why he decided to "think outside the box" and support Senator Joe Donnelly.
Jim Ayello, [email protected]

INDIANAPOLIS – Stick to the sport? No thanks, says Victor Oladipo. This philosophy is reserved for people who define themselves as athletes and nothing more.

It's not Victor Oladipo. Not anymore.

The budding superstar of the Indiana Pacers has promised to start pushing the boundaries, to "Do not play safe now, I was conservative, but that did not get me anywhere."

That's why Oladipo had no trouble defending LeBron James when President Donald Trump attacked the NBA's face on Twitter, which is why he was in Hammond, Massachusetts on Friday. The Pacers star attended a campaign rally last week with former Vice President Joe Biden, where he publicly endorsed Democratic Senator Joe Donnelly.

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Cautious thinkers might have warned Oladipo that putting his hand in the political arena could alienate half of his fans. They might have told him that it was safer to keep his name and to ensure that the brand was not affected by political problems, especially during the election period. They might have told him to keep his opinions for himself, but Oladipo said that he was not interested in staying silent. He says he is interested in helping change the world and he does not know if it can be done quietly from the outside.

"I just went there and I spent time with some very important people, I guess, it seems," Oladipo said after the Pacers' training session on Monday at the St. Vincent Center . "After that, after leaving there, I was enlightened. Enlightened to keep changing people, change lives in a positive way. That's what it's all about, no matter what you believe, no matter what you stand for, no matter what happens, it's about giving a hand. And that's what I got out of it. That's the message I'm trying to broadcast. If we just continue to help and raise each other, then maybe our world will be a better place. "

Oladipo knows that there will be many people who not only do not agree with his political opinion, but also in his decision to express his opinion. In fact, many of these people have already commented under the photos that he posted on social media and that support Donnelly.

"Wow Vic, by the time you become my favorite player," commented an Instagram user. "Does LeBron's hair salon make you qualified? Cancellation of #nbaleaguepass miss my old Reggie Miller #Pacers school. "

Oladipo understands why some people might feel this, but he does not care. He's not going to let these people stop him from saying what he thinks.

"At the end of the day, we are not just athletes," Oladipo said. "I have my degree in kinesiology from Indiana University. If I were just at the athlete, I probably would not have graduated. But being an athlete is not just about dribbling the ball, throwing a football or kicking a football. There is so much more we need to do outside of this. The more we have to learn to do outside of this or we will collapse. That's what it is. People have their opinions, but I personally do not believe that we are just human beings who work 9 to 5 hours. "

Oladipo said that someone in his position had the responsibility to help inspire the change. The real crime, he said, would be to let his time in the spotlight disappear. If he has the ability and the means to make a difference, that's what he should do.

"They say that power comes with great responsibilities, no?" Said Oladipo. "It is therefore our responsibility not only to do what we do, but to do other things, such as giving back to others and making a difference. That's what I'm trying to do with the platform and the power that's been given me. … I must continue to exert a positive influence. It's not just young basketball players who respect me, but also young men and women who do not necessarily practice sport. It's pretty cool to think about it.

Follow journalist Jim Ayello from IndyStar Sports on Twitter and Facebook: @jimayello.