The pasta of Lady Gaga to Bradley Cooper during an audition


There is nothing like carbohydrates to bring people together.

When Lady Gaga audition for Bradley Cooper's upcoming film A star is born, pasta apparently played a vital role in his landing.

Sure Conan On Monday, Cooper explained that when he arrived at the pop star's house for the meeting, she could say that he was in the mood for a snack. "I do not know what I was doing, but she said," Are you hungry? I said, "Yeah," he shared before joking, "I was snoring and my belly was grumbling.

"We went to the kitchen and she said, 'Look in my fridge' and she had all the pasta she had prepared the day before," Cooper continued. "She heated it and I ate it with her. It was crazy. She made me feel so comfortable.

RELATED: Lady Gaga hungry us with her culinary skills

The actor and the director for the first time also shared the story of their first duet together the folk song "Midnight Special", as a result of this bowl of pasta.

"The next thing I know after eating pasta, we sing in his living room," he said. "It was crazy and she said," Has anyone ever heard you sing before? " "I said" No "and she said" Okay, let's record. "So I recorded it on my phone and it was actually one of the first ones when I was there. I tried to present this film to Warner Brothers, I showed them this video.

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: Bradley Cooper says he has "made a friend for life" in Lady Gaga

Gaga clearly has skills in the kitchen because she attributes to spaghetti an "instant connection" with Cooper.

"We had it in the fridge and when it came, I was warming it in a saucepan and before I knew it, it was two Italian-Americans from the East Coast who ate spaghetti together", a- she told JD Heyman and Melody Chiu. the premiere of Los Angeles on Monday.

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Growing up in an Italian-American family in New York's Upper West Side, Gaga's life was filled with food and family. In 2012, her parents – Joe and Cynthia – opened their restaurant, Joanne Trattoria, in their neighborhood and in 2016 they released their first cookbook, Joanne Trattoria Cookbook. Get the recipe from the "Nutellasagna" family recipe, a sweet dessert served at the restaurant here.

A star is born is in theaters on October 5th.

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