The path and trail of Hurricane Beryl: see the forecast of the storm


Hurricane Beryl was downgraded to the tropical storm on Saturday morning, after being named the first hurricane of the Atlantic hurricane season this year on Friday.

The path of tiny tropical storm Beryl is currently continuing westward in the Atlantic. General Directorate of Puerto Rico, Dominican Republic and Haiti. According to the National Hurricane Center (NHS), it is expected to reach the Lesser Antilles by Sunday night or Monday.

Tropical storms are less violent than hurricanes, with gusts of wind between 39 and 73 miles per hour; a hurricane, on the contrary, includes gusts of maximum sustained wind between 74 and 95 miles per hour, according to AccuWeather. Although Beryl is not able to withstand hurricanes when it reaches the Lesser Antilles, the NHS said some islands can expect "direct impacts of wind and precipitation."

predict "because of its very small size."

"Confidence in the official intensity forecast is also below normal," warned the Center. "Rapid changes of intensity, difficult to predict, are possible over the next few days."

The first storm of the Atlantic hurricane season 2018, the subtropical storm Alberto, n 39 has not reached hurricane status. But many people died and about 50 million dollars were damaged

. Many Caribbean islands, including Puerto Rico, have been devastated by intense storms during the hurricane season that officially lasts from June 1 to November 30. Experts have expressed concern that climate change could lead to stronger hurricanes, while climate scientists have warned that the 2018 hurricane season may be worse than usual.

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