The peak of Nibiru's activity falling on September 22, the scientists


A devastating planet closest to the Sun and irreversible processes for the destruction of all life on Earth.

Пик активности Нибиру припадёт на 22 сентября - учёные

Scientists around the world are seriously concerned about the strange activity on the surface of the Sun. With the help of modern technology have been able to establish that the star has a new spot that continues to grow each day. This anomaly has already caused severe magnetic storms on September 10 and 11, but their power will only increase with time.

Has been able to predict that the next peak of solar activity will fall on September 22. Known scientists can not give a precise answer, which caused the appearance of spots and how it affects the processes on the celestial bodies. To answer the question, there are alternative researchers and conspiracy theorists. They claim that the mysterious planet Nibiru continues its way through the solar system. His next goal will be nothing like the sun. Its powerful magnetic field that the planet is able to trigger irreversible processes in the star, and the magnetic storms on the force will exceed anything that has already been recorded.

The paranormal experts believe that the physical destruction of the Earth – Nibiru's main goal. However, the destruction of humanity begins well before his arrival. The earthlings will face a succession of outbreaks caused by abnormal activity in the sun. The disease, previously considered extinct, without proper treatment, can destroy millions of lives. Under the pernicious influence of the Sun, human blood will also be present. Japanese scientists have successfully established that the body fluid can change its composition if the Sun starts a series of powerful flares. After such irradiation, the human blood must remember the one who succumbed to radioactive and nuclear effects.




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