The "people of the boat" of Marvel's Spider-Man are abominations of the PS1 era


Spider Man
(Photo: Reddit)

Marvel's Spider-Man is a great game Some might even say that it's one of the most attractive games, especially when it's running on a PlayStation 4 Pro. But all does not look very beautiful and is covered with a thick layer of varnish. No, some parts of the game come out of the dream of the 90s fever after a long day of play on PlayStation 1. Like the "Boat People" of the game, which is a total abomination.

That's right, if you did not already know it, Marvel's Spider-Man is part of survival-horror. For players who dare to venture into the Hudson River, there is no shark, but there is something worse: Boat People.

As you may know, poorly detailed models are common in video games to save computing on models that you do not intend to see, but by far. The technique, dubbed LOD, has been used since 3D models stormed games, and they are an effective trick, because by far, these abominations look good. But if you get closer to you, then their low level of detail will shine fully.

Pretty close to a boat … literally unplayable. of r / SpidermanPS4

This guy here from r / SpidermanPS4

Again, the idea is that you are not supposed to see them so closely, which is why it is not very easy to reach the different Boat People. You have to go out of your way and basically fight against the water to get there. But the reward is worth it.

Now, if you played Spider-Man 2You will remember that there were also horribly horrible boat models that everyone was mocking. These seem even worse … voluntarily. In other words, Marvel's Spider-Man's Boat People is actually a nifty little Easter egg from Insomniac Games, which, as everyone knows now, loves its Easter eggs.

Best Easter egg in the game? Probably. And to be honest, I kind of want to have an option for each character to look like that. It would be a great game to play for Halloween this year.

Marvel's Spider-Man is available exclusively for PlayStation 4. And if you have not bought it yet, here is the game of the year that you miss.

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