The photo of NASA Curiosity Rover shows a mysterious structure on the surface of Mars


A mysterious "anomaly" has been identified in a photograph taken by NASA's robot, Curiosity.

In the background of Vera Rubin Ridge's panoramic image of the red planet, published last week, we can clearly see a strange "structure" flat.

The discovery was quickly (and predictably) hailed as evidence of extraterrestrial life by the UFO hunters who are hiding in the dark corners of the internet.

The strange flat structure can be seen at the top right of this image

"It looks like a rusty pipe, the longer I look at it," said an alien fan on the Above Top Secret forum.

"It has a gradient, like a cylinder or a tube."

However, while some people hope that the strange and flat object of the landscape is an extraterrestrial base, it is more likely that it is a type of flat hill called a mesa.

These are relatively common here on Earth. If a mesa exists on Mars, it could show that the planet has conditions comparable to ours.

"Geographical anomalies similar to what we have here on Earth are always interesting in my opinion," added another commentator.

A close-up of the mysterious flat feature of the Martian landscape

"It seems to indicate conditions similar to those of the Earth … lately."

Here is what NASA said about the image: "Nasa released the panorama this week. A thin layer of dust is visible on Curiosity, the result of a storm that wrapped Mars this summer.

"The dark sky indicates that the dust still clogs the atmosphere in August, when the Curiosity mast fired on the panorama."

Nasa has two probes on Mars right now. The second, Opportunity, is missing and dreaded dead after being lost in a powerful dust storm that has covered the entire surface of Mars.

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