The position of miniaturization in the evolution of the mammalian jaw and the heart ear


SummaryThe evolution of the mammalian jaw undoubtedly constitutes one of the most important improvements in the history of vertebrates and underlies the ordinary radiation and diversification of mammals over the 220 million years. final years1,2. In particular, the transformation of the mandible into a single enamelled bone and the emergence of an unusual jaw joint, while incorporating some ancestral jaw bones into the mammalian heart ear, are ultimately cited as an example classic reuse of morphological structures3, four. Even though it is remarkably well documented in the fossil record, mammalian jaw evolution remains paradoxical: the ancestral jaw joint bones could perhaps serve as joint hinges for the main and ear mastication. mandibular heart that has become gracious enough to hear. Here, we review numerical reconstructions, computer modeling and biomechanical analyzes to show that miniaturization of the early mammalian jaw has become the determining factor in the transformation of the jaw joint. We demonstrate that there will simply be no evidence of a concomitant reduction in jaw-joint stress and will generate more chunk potency in the major non-mammalian taxa in the cynodontic transition. mammals, as we previously thought5,6,7,8. Although a change in jaw muscle recruitment has occurred throughout the evolution of the last mammals, the optimization of mandibular features to create greater cutting power while reducing the hundreds of knuckles This did not occur. This means that miniaturization has equipped a selective diet for the evolution of the mammary joint, followed by the combination of postdental bones in the mammalian heart ear.

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Sykes (Natural History Museum, London), K. Robson Brown (University of Bristol), O. Katsamenis, and M. Mavrogordato (University of Southampton) participated to CT scan. E. Ghirardello enticing specimens and performing tests on hedgehog mandible tissue. We thank J. Hopson (University of Chicago) for the discussion. This work became as soon as funded by the Natural Setting Comparisons Council (NERC) grants NE / K01496X / 1 (at EJR) and NE / K013831 / 1 (at MJF), and gave a boost to the price. University of Chicago (Z. -XL).
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Nature thanks C. A. Sidor and the anonymous critic (s) for his contribution to the review of the application for this work.
Information WritingAssociationsSchool of Earth Sciences, University of Bristol, Bristol, United KingdomStephan Lautenschlager, Pamela G. Gill and Emily J. Rayfield School of Geography, Earth and Environmental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham , United KingdomStephan Lautenschlager United Kingdom Pamela G. GillDepartment of Organismal Biology and Anatomy, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, USAZhe-Xi LuoSchool of Engineering and Computer Science, University of Hull, Hull, United Kingdom Michael J. FaganAuthorsSearch for Stephan Lautenschlager in: Learn more about Pamela G. Gill in: Learn more about Zhe-Xi Luo in: Learn more about Michael J. Fagan in: Learn more about Emily J Rayfield in: ContributionsS.L., PGG, Z.-XL, MJF and EJR designed and designed the look of the eye. S.L., P.G., Z.-X.L. and E.J.R. Organized logistics of specimens for computed tomography and knowledge of computed tomography. Z.-X.L. web access equipped with specimens and additional data. S.L. treated knowledge in CT, performed digital restorations and reconstructions, and performed computer analyzes. M.J.F. and E.J.R. contributed to the dynamic analysis of finished parts and multiple bodies. S.L., P.G., Z.-X.L., M.J.F. and E.J.R also contributed to the prognosis of the results. S.L. text, figures and considerable additional knowledge. S.L., P.G., Z.-X.L., M.J.F. and E.J.R. also contributed to the editing, commentary and revision of the manuscript and figures. E.J.R. and M.J.F. financing purchased.
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Stephan Lautenschlager or Emily J. Rayfield. Figures and tables of extended knowledge Detailed details Fig. 1 Relative cutting forces and measures of biomechanical efficiency of cynodont and mammalian taxa. b, relative block forces for objects sized to the same size (with T. liorhinus as a reference). Relative block forces calculated due to the ratio of muscle forces to resulting block forces (purchased from the response forces of the finished part elements). Differences in values ​​represent the results for both unilateral and bilateral block simulations. c – f, reasonable values ​​per piece for Von Mises stress (c), displacement (d), largest strain (e) and minimal significant strain (f). Differences in values ​​represent the results of unilateral and bilateral segment simulations (for long established items). Sample size for each species, n = 1. Long details Fig. 2 Results of biomechanical prognosis of cynodont and mammal taxa for simulated unilateral bite to canines and enamel closure. Results for items of the same size (with T. liorhinus as reference). a – g, The multi-body dynamic prognosis shows forces forces and articular forces (work and balance aspect) throughout the opening and closing cycles of the jaws. The difference bars indicate the values ​​purchased from the response forces of the finished part elements. Peak values ​​describe most of the block powers purchased from multibody dynamic prognostic elements. h – n, the finished part von-Mises-stress traces the traces for the piece to the canine and the enamel closure (indicated by crimson arrows). Scale bars in h, j – n, 10 mm; i, 50 mm. Sample size for each species, n = 1. Detailed detail Fig. 3 Plots of stress contours in traction and compression of the mandibular joint. Confirmed results for the unilateral block on the canine (upper rows) and the situation of enamel closure (lower rows) the articulation of the jaw of the work appearance and appearance of balance in the dorsal application. All contour images are sized to the same size. Extended details Fig. Four Amplitude of the bite power against von Mises stress for various models of muscle activation. Confirmed results for a unilateral piece on the situation of canine enamel. Relative block power measured in terms of block power in terms of von Mises stress in the jaw joint. Extended details Fig. 5 Amplitude of the bite power as a function of von Mises stress for different models of muscle activation. Relative block power measured in block power in terms of von Mises stress in the jaw joint. Extended details Fig. 6 Amplitude of the bite as a function of tensile stress for various models of muscle activation. Relative block power measured in block power in terms of tensile stress in the jaw joint. Extended details Fig. 7 Amplitude of the bite as a function of the tensile stress for different models of muscle activation. Relative block power measured in block power in terms of tensile stress in the jaw joint. Extended details Fig. 8 Amplitude of the bite as a function of compressive stress for different models of muscle activation. Relative block power measured in block power in terms of compressive stress in the jaw joint. Extended details Fig. 9 Amplitude of the force of the bite versus the stress for different models of muscle activation. Confirmed results for a unilateral piece on the closing enamel. Relative block power measured in block power in terms of compression stress in the jaw joint -spend information from this text Take a look at RightsLink.About this articleHistory of publicationsPublished17 September 2018DOIhttps: // 10.1038 / s41586-018-0521-Four

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