The prequel to Game of Thrones will portray Naomi Watts in the skin of a social


Naomi Watts has landed a role in Game of Thrones prejunction.

Ben Watts

Naomi Watts goes to Westeros.

The English actress will play "a charismatic social figure hiding a dark secret" in a forthcoming Thrones TV movie, HBO confirmed on Tuesday.

No other information was available on the role of Watts, which seems a bit off-the-cuff. (Then, does the Game of Thrones culture include personalities? Is there a Westeros Junior League? Will we see a Red Cotillon instead of a Red Wedding?)

"I could not be more excited," said author George R.R. Martin on his website. "Welcome to Westeros, Naomi."

While HBO still calls the series "untitled", his site, Martin, christened The Long Night, the title he has already said that he favored.

"Jane Goldman wrote the pilot for Long Night and will direct the show," Martin continued. "She and her team are busy in London right now, bumping into the cast, and I hope other names will be announced soon."

A spokesman for HBO said that despite Martin's post, the show remains officially untitled.

And these other prequels of Game of Thrones? Like a certain Bastard of Winterfell, Martin says that they are not dead.

"In the meantime, there are still some other possible prequels in active development," writes Martin. "I can not tell you the subject of these projects, no, sorry, I wish I could." The readers among you may want to take a copy of Fire & Blood when it is released on November 20. "

This seems to indicate that one of the next shows will be dedicated to the Targaryen family, as this complicated group, lover of dragons are the subject of Martin's Fire & Blood.

Game of Thrones, HBO's fantastic hit based on Martin's book series A Song of Ice and Fire, end after his next season, which will be released in 2019.

There has been talk of about five successors in the Thrones universe, taking place thousands of years before the current show. But one pilot was ordered for a single, the show hosted by Jane Goldman, who co-wrote the Kingsman films, among other works.

"Taking place thousands of years before the events of Game of Thrones, the series tells of the descent of the world since the golden age of heroes to its darkest hour", said HBO in a statement describing the planned show. "And one thing is certain: horrible secrets from the history of Westeros to the true origin of white walkers, mysteries of the East to the legendary Starks … this is not the story we think we know. "

Watts recently played Queen Gertrude in Hamlet's film Ophelia, starring Daisy Ridley of Star Wars playing Ophelia. Other past films include The Glass Castle, Mulholland Drive, King Kong and The Ring.

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