"The president is an idiot and we are all going to die"


While John Oliver did not ship Emmys at last week's Creative Arts Awards, HBO aired his thoughts on Washington Post's deputy editor Bob Woodward's new book, Fear: Trump In the White House.

Cliff Version Notes: "The President is a disaster and we are all going to die."

Oliver began his opening segment by sounding the New York Times published midweek by a senior Trump administration official, claiming that many actions of President Donald Trump are hurting the health of our republic.

Trump immediately backed down on Twitter, saying "TREASON?"

He then attacked the writer at a rally, calling the writer "anomorphic" "helpless". Trump tried twice, unsuccessfully, to say "anonymous".

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "" I do not like policies, Trump's ideas or or behavior, but I like how it sometimes seems a Teddy Ruxpin, someone fished in a lake, "conceded Oliver. "data-reactid =" 23 ">" I do not like the policies, ideas or behavior of Trump, but I love his way a Teddy Ruxpin, someone fished in a lake, "conceded Oliver.

Trump is obsessed with discovering the identity of the editor, causing many of his administration's top officials to make "not me" statements.

Video: John Oliver looks at Florida's amendment to restore voting rights

By making things difficult for Trump, Oliver noted, this could be almost anyone who works or him, based on quotes in Woodward's new book. James Mattis, the defense secretary, said Trump had "the understanding of a 5th or 6th student" and White House chief of staff John Kelly would have said, "We are in Crazytown. I do not even know why none of us are here "as well as" This is the worst job I have ever had ".

The two men deny having made these remarks, while Woodward stands to his reports.

But the most damning exchange of the book could be that of Trump's former personal attorney, John Dowd, who, according to Woodward, went directly to Robert Mueller and told him he could not let him testify.

Dowd, who is no longer Trump's personal attorney, reportedly said in March, "I will not sit here and let him look like a fool," predicting that when the transcript of an interrogation will inevitably reveal a leak will say, "I told you that he was silly. I told you that he was a damn dumbbell ".

Dowd also denied making those comments.

"It's amazing, it's the president's own lawyer who tells a prosecutor that his client will be so stupid that he will be questioned about the fact that it will be a real concern for national security," he said. amazed Oliver.

"Know how charming it is to call anyone a" damn dumbbell. " it is much more delicious than "idiot" or "dipshit" or "fucking moron". "Dumbell" just puts a funny picture of the cartoon network in your head.

"In any case, the president is a disaster and we are all going to die."

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