The President made bizarre comments about the September 11 attacks


Before becoming president, Donald Trump made bizarre remarks about the September 11, 2001 attacks, which were the deadliest terrorist acts in the history of the United States.

On 11 September 2001, militants of the extremist Islamist group Al-Qaeda hijacked four planes and crashed them in the twin towers of the World Trade Center in New York, on the west side of the Pentagon in Washington, DC, and after the passengers fought back against attackers on board, in rural Pennsylvania.

Although we remember September 11 sensitively for nearly 3,000 people who lost their lives, Trump often had other things to say. Here are some comments:

09_10_18_Trump911 Real estate developer Donald Trump holds a press conference at Trump Tower in New York City on May 18, 2005, next to a nine-foot model of his proposed Twin Towers II, an alternative to the City-approved Freedom Tower design. . built on Ground Zero. TIMOTHY A. CLARY / AFP / Getty Images

September 11, 2001

"The 40 Wall Street was actually the second tallest building in downtown Manhattan, and it was actually before the World Trade Center's highest, then it became the second highest at the time of the construction of World Trade Center. Trump, then real estate developer, said during a call to the local TV channel WWOR, just hours after the attack.

"And I just talked to my people, and they said it was the most incredible sight, it's probably seven or eight blocks from the World Trade Center," Trump continued, "and yet Wall Street is strewn with two feet of stone and brick and mortar and steel. "

December 2011

"I predicted the September 11th attack on America in my book" The America We Deserve "and the collapse of Iraq in @TimeToGetTough, tweeted Trump. a few months after the tragedy, boasting of his clairvoyance.

September 11th, 2013

"I would like to send my best wishes to everyone, even the enemies and the losers, on this special date, September 11," tweeted Trump at the two-year anniversary.

Trump did not remove the retweet from his own tweet.

November 2015

"I watched the World Trade Center collapse and watched in Jersey City, New Jersey, where thousands and thousands of people were clapping as this building arrived. Thousands of people have rejoiced, "said Trump, a presidential candidate, at a rally in Birmingham, Alabama.

Trump reiterated his remark later at ABC News and said the cheers came from parts of New Jersey with "large Arab populations".

February 2016

"The World Trade Center fell because Bill Clinton [didn’t] kill Osama Bin Laden when he was lucky enough to kill him. And George [W.] Bush, by the way, George Bush was lucky, too, and he did not listen to the advice of his CIA, "Trump said during a Republican presidential debate to criticize the brother and former president's candidate, Jeb Bush.

February 2016

"I lost hundreds of friends in September 11," said Trump, which, if true, would mean that he knew at least 6% of the 2,996 casualties.

April 2017

"It's the highest [ratings] for "Deface the Nation" from the World Trade Center. Since the fall of the World Trade Center. That's a huge advantage, "said Trump, boasting that his ratings on the cable network show Face the nation were higher than those on the networks on September 11th.

September 11, 2017

Trump adopted a more restrained tone last year. "God bless forever the United States of America. # NeverForget911, "tweeted Trump, with a video honoring the dead, on the first anniversary of September 11th since he became president.

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