The racist racist of Oregon Woman goes viral on Facebook and she is moving out now after severe reactions


The images of a racist woman in Portland, Oregon became viral after being posted on social media on Wednesday, and reactions were severe, forcing her to leave.

The video shows a woman in a white car attacking another driver, who filmed the confrontation, to be supposedly in the country illegally. The victim of abuse, named Selina Cairel on Facebook, posted it online with a few sentences describing what happened. The video has been seen almost a million times since Friday morning.

"Before you say anything, you may want to make sure that you are truly" legal, "said the unidentified man to Cairel and his girlfriend, to the question of what she means. The woman replies, "That you are" illegals "crossing the border, and your parents probably had to work for dirt just to get here." The woman smiles as she speaks and has a passenger in her car, who seems to hide from the camera.

According to Cairel, she went out with friends in Portland when the woman started abusing her to be Asian. "She started when she said in the cruelest and the least good excuse of an alleged" Asian "accent:" She is Asian, she can not see, that's why she can not drive, " wrote Cairel.

After trying to tell her that she was offended and after the woman had started filming her, Cairel decided to release her own camera and start recording. "I never let that happen and I want to make sure that this kind of behavior is seen and that people of color meet it all the time. I want to make sure that she is seen and that her racist and ignorant behavior is exposed.

"It's going to be so good," says Cairel, saying the woman continues her speech. When Cairel's friend asks, "Is this real life?" Answers Cairel: "Yes, it's so much fun [because] That's the kind of shit I have to handle in Portland.

The identity of the offending woman was quickly discovered on social media. S addressing the local KOIN media, her mother said that she was "sorry" and agreed to "make a mistake". She said that her daughter is Native American from an Alaskan tribe and that she had to leave the area because of the backlash.

Their house was allegedly under police surveillance after threatening calls, and the girl's former employer, Stars Cabaret Bridgeport, was forced to issue a statement that she was no longer working there.

Cairel followed his video on Facebook with a photo of his US passport and the message, "I promise I'm a legal guy."

This is one of many racist episodes in Portland that has become viral in recent months. Bassel Hamieh, an American of Lebanese origin born in Portland, recorded another speech. "You do not look like a Portland guy," she told Hamieh in the video. "You're not born here." "You have a huge accent. I have an American accent."

Hamieh wrote, "It is time for all my friends to know that yes, I live a good life, but every day I have to deal with this racism, and I am innocent, I have done nothing wrong."

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