New statistics show that the rate of obesity has officially exceeded 35% in 7 states. Natasha Abellard of Buzz60 has history.

The report on the state of obesity in 2018 showed that no state had a significant statistical improvement in its obesity rates compared to the previous year. But the counties of Rockland, Westchester and Putnam have achieved very good results.

One in four adult New Yorkers is now classified as obese because factors such as race, poverty and government policies have fueled a serious public health crisis that has erupted across the country since 1990.

It is striking that the 25% obesity rate in New York has almost tripled since 1990 and remains the seventh lowest in America. Across the country, some states have surpassed 35%, costing billions of dollars in preventable health care costs and lost productivity.

According to the report The State of Obesity 2018, no state has shown any statistically significant improvement in its obesity rates compared with the previous year, according to USA TODAY. Only two states – Hawaii and Colorado – and the District of Columbia have obesity rates below 25%.

The obesity rate among adults in New York increased by about 17% in 2000 and 9% in 1990.

THE MOST OBESE STATES:Here are the 10 highest and lowest rates of obesity

READ: The report on the state of obesity 2018

BIG: Rockland, Westchester and Putnam among the healthiest in New York

NATIONAL: See obesity rates, concerns across the country

Seven states in the south and west-central had adult obesity rates above 35%. West Virginia recorded the highest rate with just over 38%.

The report published by the non-profit organizations Trust for America's Health and the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation also found that 22 states had obesity rates between 30 and 35 percent, while another 19 states had rates of between 25 and 35 percent. and 30%.

Learn more about New York

The news on obesity is not all bad because New York has recorded gains in reducing childhood obesity rates.

For example, obesity rates have decreased among children ages 2 to 4 enrolled in nutritional programs for women, infants and children between 2010 and 2014. The obesity rate has dropped to 14 , 3% against 16.1%.

1. Limit TV and screen time to less than one or two hours a day. (Photo: IPGGutenbergUKLtd, Getty Images / iStockphoto)

In addition, New York City reported a 5.5% decline in obesity among K-8 students between 2006/07 and 2010/11.

However, rising adult obesity rates strongly contrast with promising signs in some communities, including Westchester, Rockland and Putnam Counties, improving their collective health and well-being.

Rockland, for example, recently took first place among the healthiest 62 counties, followed by Westchester in third and Putnam in fifth, due to various health and social issues. .

All three counties in the Lower Hudson Valley had good results in terms of healthy eating, exercise and non-smoking in general, but faced issues such as poverty and housing problems.

The obesity rates for Westchester, Rockland and Putnam were 21%, 24% and 25%, respectively.

Dutchess County ranked 14th and had an obesity rate of 24%, while Ulster County was 28th with a 26% obesity rate. .

When someone is obese

A weight higher than what is considered a healthy weight for a given height is described as being overweight or obese, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC).

For example, a person who is 5 feet 9 inches tall and weighs 203 pounds or more is obese, says the CDC. There are also more severe classifications of obesity based on higher weights.

The body mass index, or BMI, is used as a tool for screening overweight or obesity. The public can Use the BMI calculator to determine if a person is obese as directed by the CDC.

How to fight against obesity

The new report on obesity included 40 recommendations for policy makers, including supporting and expanding programs to combat obesity and offering more options for healthy foods to low-income households with access to better nutrition

The preview reports include tips:

  • Promote broad-based policies and programs that promote collaboration. For example, bringing together health services, schools, transportation services and local businesses to achieve results.
  • Adopt and implement policies that facilitate healthy choices. Federal, state, and local governments can create conditions in schools, communities, and workplaces that make healthy eating and active living accessible, affordable, and convenient.
  • Invest in programs that level the playing field for all individuals and families. Although obesity affects all populations, social and economic factors increase rates. Design initiatives based on community feedback to address these challenges.

Meanwhile, several studies have shown that obesity is associated with multiple diseases, ranging from hypertension and diabetes to cancer, reported USA TODAY.

In May, a report from the Global Fund for Cancer Research linked 12 types of cancers, including breast cancer and colorectal cancer, and overweight.

It's also expensive. According to the report, obesity annually costs about $ 149 billion in directly related health expenditures and an additional $ 66 billion a year in declining economic productivity.

The study also found that obesity rates were highest among Black and Latino communities, as well as in rural and low-income communities, due to a lack of healthy food choices.

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