The real estate agent needs heat to use partially-clad models in advertisements to attract buyers


The Houston real estate agent's use of half-naked models to draw attention to a hard-to-sell property has prompted numerous complaints about risky content.

Kristin Gyldenege launched marketing tactics after her client's three-bedroom, two-bathroom, Houston suburb of Conroe spent 40 days in the no-bid market, the Houston Chronicle reported.

To attract potential buyers, Gyldenege took pictures of partially dressed male and female models, performing normal household chores – such as cooking or replacing a light bulb – and uploaded them to, a Texas real estate website.

"I did not want anything bitchy," she told "I wanted to represent a young couple who was in top shape and had just moved into this beautiful house."

In the first 24 hours, the list was consulted 20,000 times, compared with less than 1,000 previously.

However, not everyone was a fan of the Gyldenege advertising campaign. The site deleted the photos after receiving about 100 complaints.

The other ad services still have the photos, she added, adding that she was expecting negative feedback. The owner approved the idea, she said.

"In the end, it's what counts: doing what's best for my client," she said.

On Wednesday, Gyldenege still had not received any serious offers for the house.

"[Potential buyers] may not look like [the models], "she said," but if they thought they could look like that in this house, they would be more attracted to at least see it. "

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