The red skull had almost a completely different appearance in & # 39; Avengers: Infinity War & # 39;


It was one of the biggest surprises of Avengers: Infinity War that no one has seen coming. Red Skull was back in the Marvel film universe after not being seen since the last moments of Captain America: The first avenger.

Played by The dead who walk Ross Marquand alum, Red Skull is presented as the guardian of the Soulstone on Vormir. While taking a very different look in War of Infinity, a conceptual art book to be released next week presents Steve Rogers' archimemics in a totally different light.

Jamie Thomas, a YouTube user, has gotten hold of an early-access version of the book and, while flipping through a video page by page, Red Skull appears in a more traditional army-like presentation – a stark contrast to the ghoulish ghostly look he had in War of Infinity.

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Now that someone is the guardian of the soul stone, Red Skull is now free to leave Vormir, according to the Brothers Russo.

"Red Skull is free to leave Sleeping and pursue his desire for infinite stone," the brothers said.

This is a fairly important revelation: it is certain that Red Skull could eventually return to the Marvel film world one day or the other later.

War of Infinity writer Christopher Markus and Stephen McFeeley Previously, they had explained why they chose to reinstate the classic Marvel character.

"Cinematically, he is the first to be obsessed with these Infinity Stones in the MCU and he clearly did not die at the end of First AvengerSays co-author Christopher Markus, "The idea of ​​where he could have gone is so tempting and very much like being able to take on roles he would be from anywhere with William Hurt or Benicio del Toro, it fits perfectly at this moment.

"The MCU is a unique experience and the fact that we are present during all phases is a privilege, but we know where all the bodies are buried," added co-writer Stephen McFeely. "Sometimes you can dig up a body and put it in a scene."

What do you think of the conceptual art Red Skull? Would you have preferred a more traditional look to the one that appeared in War of Infinity? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below.

Avengers: Infinity War is now available on the home media.

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