The Red Sox did not invite Curt Schilling to World Series Game 2


They were all present: David Ortiz, Pedro Martinez, Kevin Millar, Tim Wakefield, Jason Varitek, Keith Foulke and Alan Embree. The 2004 World Series champions were there before the second World Series game on Wednesday at Fenway Park.

Curt Schilling, who still lives in the area, became an icon of Boston in 2004 with solid starts and bloody socks, observed from his home.

The Red Sox did not invite the personality of the baseball superstar to Breitbart, a fact that made Schilling and his son angry.

"We did not contact him," said a Red Sox official at the Boston Globe. "But it's not out of spite. Originally, it would only be Pedro and David, as well as Wake and Millar, but we have heard a few other people and they are included. "

Schilling became toxic and was fired from ESPN in 2016 after a serial sharing of erroneous messages, an anti-transgender being the same one who broke the camel's back. Instead of being honored at Fenway, he spent Wednesday dabble in conspiracy theories that a liberal was really behind the posted bombs sent to prominent members of the left and CNN.

Schilling responded to the cold shoulder in a long post on Facebook in which he wrote: "I have not just received an invitation from some weak" men "who have spent their entire lives paying and watching others perform."

Schilling is linked to his podcast, in which he explains in detail the quarrel with the organization following the signing of an $ 8 million contract for the 2008 season. Before the start of the year, he had had an injured biceps who had subsequently had to be operated on, and the Red Sox, according to Schilling, accused him of having cheated the team. He met the Boston honchos – "F-King – cowards from the other side of the table" – whose owner, John Henry, and promised that he would be done with the team after the test.

He was not the only angry Schilling.

"@RedSox, I understand that you do not agree with him, but do not invite him after all he's done for you is sad, my dad did not did not even mention what you did to him ", his son, Grant, wrote on Twitter. "It makes me sad to see the logo now knowing that you will not even give him an invitation after he has given you those sleeves."

Schilling launched the ALCS '2004 Games 6 game and the World Series match 2, combining 13 shot throws in one inning in a pair of Red Sox wins, all with an injured ankle leaving his sock straight soaked with blood.

"I'm sorry my father tore his leg to play in a team that pushed him to the limit for something that has nothing to do with the sporting world," Grant said. wrote. "I am a liberal, yes. I do not go with a single view. But I'm his son too. "

Schilling already has ways to remember the World Series which, according to Red Sox fans, could never happen.

"[G]reat to see @ 45PedroMartinez @davidortiz and @ KMillar15 'The pimper rides' however, wrote. "Oh, and I keep my 3 rings and 3 trophies, so everything is fine."

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