The Red Sox saved their coach – and themselves – to win the World Series title


The Boston Red Sox recruited rookie coach Alex Cora, erased his reputation, erased his incredible mistakes in the middle of the game and crushed the Los Angeles Dodgers' plate with nine points in the last three rounds of match 4 of the World Series Saturday night. 9-6 win and a 3-1 lead in the series.

After being held to two points during their first 24 innings in Southern California, including one untrained, Boston's incredible offense broke out. The fatal blow was a ninth in five innings that broke the 4-4 tie while 10 Red Sox came to the plate against three useless Dodgers.

Rafael Devers' single RBI broke the tie. Kenta Maeda's three-point double by Steve Pearce, in charge of the base, also opened the scoring with a single from Xander Bogaerts RBI adding insurance.

Boston's closest player, Craig Kimbrel, attempted to provoke heart palpitations throughout New England by giving up a two-point homer to Kike Hernandez at the bottom of the ninth, but he finally escaped.

Cora knew that if the Red Sox had lost, he would be in the crosshairs of critics for letting out starter starter Eduardo Rodriguez, who had not made more than 44 shots in a game in more than five weeks, in the match. pitch to six batters in the sixth inning 0-0 draw. Cora burned the book, shredded it and threw her ashes in the Pacific at least three times in this round.

By the time he finally hooked Rodriguez, the Dodgers were leading 4-0 and Yasiel Puig had crashed a three-point circuit halfway through the laps on Rodriguez 93rd not. To make Cora's bad management time even more shocking, Rodriguez was used as a relief the day before in the third game. No team had won a World Series match using a starter resting without days since 08.

"I knew it was going to come in. Sixth inning, no?" Cora said of the thorny post-game question. After explaining his reasoning on each batter, he allowed Rodriguez to face, then he finally let the southpaw face right-handed Puig. Instead of hiding behind the statistics that Puig has inverse statistics – and badly hits left-handed – Cora faces music.

"This match is good for us if Eddie (Rodriguez) is cool and can keep his ball fast. I had (Matt right) Barnes ready, "said Cora. "(After the homer), I gave myself some kicks."

Ironically, the president chose to tweet second-hand a manager in this game, but chose the wrong choice, criticizing Dave Roberts of LA for not sticking to Rich Hill, 38, who never goes to the bottom of the games, for not letting Hill, you know, diving really, really as if everyone knew that he could not do it. Roberts pulled him out after 6 1/3 of a round, exactly as he should have done, and after Hill told him between the sleeves to "keep an eye on me", which means that I'm preparing the pen, I'm going to expresses in smoke. So it's a comical relief that the president can be just as confident and totally wrong with baseball as it is with the attractiveness of comb-overs.

"I'm glad he's watching (the World Series)," Roberts said diplomatically. "I do not know how many Dodger matches he's watched (where Hill does not even get 6 1/3 in a round) or is aware of (our) conversations," added the manager, which means that Hill was warned to prepare. "It's the opinion of a man."

The turnaround in this game was pure melodrama – from 4-0 Dodgers after six innings to 9-4 Boston after that bat in the ninth. All of these stunning shots in Boston, including a Mitch Moreland three-run homer with reliever Ryan Madson and a solo shot to tie Pearce's match to Kenley Jansen, only reinforce the notion that the Reds' real offense Sox was back. at the scene. This attack brings all the momentum of this series to the Red Sox. All the good work of the Dodgers during their epic win in the third game, this 3-2 win that was taken after more than seven hours, Friday night until Saturday, was reversed.

Instead of sending Clayton Kershaw to the mound against David Price of Boston in the fifth game Sunday with a chance to take the lead in the series, the Dodgers will fight for their lives instead. The Dodgers have distinguished themselves here, but the relentless bats of the Red Sox have crushed them.

When Hannibal and his elephants shocked his Roman enemies by crossing the Alps in 218 BC. BC, I told myself that they were tired at the end of work: elephants, Alps, snow. Hannibal, baby, you're all going to die.

They may have looked like the Red Sox and Dodgers who trained in the fourth game of the World Series after playing 18 innings the night before. If you have 18 survivors of this famous trek in the Alps and you put them in two rows, they will have more closures than the exhausted and sleepy survivors of the fourth game.

At this point, the Dodgers won 4-0, this match should probably have been completed and this series tied at two games each. The Pennant winners, like the Dodgers, should be able to hold a four-point lead for nine outs. But the Red Sox are one of the deepest, most resilient and tightest teams in years. And they were determined to liberate themselves, as well as their popular and modest director.

They also took advantage of the fact that their lead pitcher, Chris Sale, was going crazy on the bench, calling their names and demanding an exchange. "I was in the tunnel," said Holt, "and I asked someone," Who screams like that. He replied, "It's dirty. He is angry with us.

"(Sale) felt we had no energy," said Cora ironically, delighted that her team is taking the right needle in the right direction. "Sometimes it's only will – willingness to do great things."

After a round, nothing happened and two good left-handers – Rich Hill for the Dodgers and Eduardo Rodriguez for Boston – suddenly seemed to overwhelm their restless and anxious opponents like the young Sandy Koufax.

Hill scored four and a half innings in this period with five big rounds. Only receiver Boston, Christian Vazquez, a little dissipated for a warning track, a barely fictional explosion that was short of his downtown and, finally, the first hit of Boston on the fifth.

Rodriguez was the forgotten man of this series. It was briefly used for relief in games 1 and 3. Most assumed that no pitcher would try to start a World Series match with zero days of rest. None since 1924. The last time a team won such a match: 1908.

So, certainly, when Rodriguez finished five scoreless innings on 80 shots, Cora would have held him on the shortest of the leads. After all, Rodriguez had thrown more than 90 shots only once since July 9th. And he had not thrown more than 44 shots since September 20. Combine that without rest days and the fact that his fastball had lost a bit since his scores of 94-95 mph at the beginning of the innings and. . .

That's not what Cora thought. After Rodriguez hit the Dodgers' first batter of the sixth with his first throw, he then won a duel on the left with the hero of the third match, Max Muncy, who drew him, his usual book – the old school , a new school or a damn school at all – was to call a right-handed man to face the most dangerous Dodgers, Justin Turner and Manny Machado.

Turner doubled the bag of the third base (hmmm) and Machado was intentionally strolled to charge the bases. With southpaw Cody Bellinger relieved, Cora remains stuck with Rodriguez – which is not illogical in this game. The Red Sox nearly escaped – a tough player almost managed to produce a double home-first game against the former to end the inning, except that Vazquez's shot deflected the first goal behind the back of Bellinger and hurtled down the straight line while Turner scored.

At this point, Rodriguez absolutely had to be up. It's not because of a very tight match, because Yasiel Puig has reverse divisions and sometimes does not even start against left-handers. The reason: everything else. Rodriguez had been punched. Mistakes rocked the pitchers, especially in the World Series, and it had already far exceeded its results.

But Cora left it in.

Every baseball fan, and ball writer, has a pet peeve that drives them crazy. For me, it's a "sentimental management". The classic example is to leave a departing launcher longer than is logical, longer than its standard or consistent with its established capabilities, and longer than the best interest of the 25 players.

Rodriguez took a 3-1 lead, his fastballs now 92, not 94. Puig drove the fifth fastball midway through the stands in the left field for a three-run homer and a 4-0 lead .

At this point, this game should probably have been completed. The Pennant winners, like the Dodgers, should be able to maintain a four-point lead for nine outs. But the Red Sox are one of the deepest, most resilient and tightest teams in years. And they were determined to liberate themselves, as well as their superior.

They began to do so immediately as the crowd of 54,400 people panted and groaned when the Dodgers' office repeatedly failed. With a warrant – do not walk with anyone – Hill and his reliever, Scott Alexander, accompanied Bogaerts, who was 0-10 in both games here, and Holt.

Director Dave Roberts called Madson, the 38-year-old veteran, a veteran of the playoffs, but who is the very symbol of the Dodgers' defeat in this series. At Games 1 and 2, he inherited five riders – and all scored, losing the Kershaw and Hyun-jin Ryu. This time, he not only allowed the two legacy riders to score, but he added one of his own when Moreland demolished a three – point circuit located at the top of the right center bleachers, thus reducing the number of riders. advance to 4-3.

"We have been bad for two games," said Holt. "Mitch had the big success to make us leave."

The Red Sox were totally awake and engaged. A round later, Pearce drew with Jansen, the 15th circuit that Jansen has awarded this year, an astronomical total for a relative.

But Jansen would not close this show. With the lead blown, Roberts turned to a pen that, he says, was sufficiently rested. But not enough rested to contain the Red Sox. The best baseball offense would not be denied.

Before the Bostonians gave in to ninth, they had sent 10 men to the plate, scoring five points, building a 9-4 lead. On Sunday, when Game 5 gets underway, the Red Sox, instead of worry, will try to show that a victory – a meager victory – is all they intend to allow any enemy to hang on. Including the suddenly exhausted Dodgers.

For more information by Thomas Boswell, visit

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