The resignation of Cardinal Wuerl does not go far enough, according to Vatican critics


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The Vatican is increasingly criticized for failing to take a harsher approach to allegations of sexual abuse after accepting the resignation of Cardinal Donald Wuerl, but has allowed him to remain influential in # 39; church.

Pope Francis on Friday issued a letter in which he announced that he would accept the resignation of the Archbishop of Washington, DC, in response to accusations that he would have done nothing to prevent the abuses. committed by Pennsylvania religious, where he was bishop from 1988 to 2006.

While some church leaders and parishioners have called for the resignation of Wuerl in recent weeks, critics point out that Francis asked Wuerl to remain the apostolic administrator of the archdiocese. He will also attend the annual meeting of American bishops scheduled for November and play an influential role within the Congregation of Bishops, who chooses who will assume the leadership roles of the church.

Wuerl will no longer serve as the leader of more than 650,000 Catholics in Washington, but he should still retain significant influence as a member of the Congregation for the Doctrine of the Faith, which oversees Vatican theology.

The Vatican did not immediately respond to NBC News's request for comment.

In sharing his disappointment with the Vatican, Pennsylvania's attorney general, Josh Shapiro, discussed details of a Pennsylvania grand jury report that Wuerl could have concealed abuses committed in the Pittsburgh diocese.

"He is now able to retire, apparently without consequences for his actions," Shapiro said at a press conference Friday.

The report released two months ago revealed that more than 300 state priests had sexually abused minors for 70 years. Wuerl, 77, has not been accused of abuse, but has been quoted several times in the report. Francis's key ally, he has been the most prominent figure of the fall since the publication of the report.

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