The Robocallers are fined up to $ 10,000 by Robocall with TRACE Act


Senators John Thune and Ed Markey co-authors TRACED
Photo: Chip Somodevilla (Getty)

Democrats and Republicans can agree on at least one thing: the situation of blocking spammy spam has become totally uncontrollable.

Democrat Senator Ed Markey of Massachusetts and South Dakota Republican John Thune on Friday introduced a bill to strengthen the penalties for illegal automated calls – and prevent them from reaching your phone.

TRACED (Telephone Penal Enforcement Act) Increases the number of automated calls from $ 1,500 to $ 10,000 per call and allows the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) to take action against automated calls illicit until three years after the calls are made, instead of a year.

The law also aims to encourage the FCC to collaborate with the Bureau of Consumer Financial Protection, the Department of Justice, the Department of Homeland Security, the Federal Trade Commission (FTC) and other agencies to inform Congress progress in preventing fraudulent calls and prosecuting fraudsters. .

Perhaps most important to us, Americans extremely annoyed, the bill would also require telephone service providers to use call authentication that filters out illegitimate calls before being routed to consumers.

Thune explained in a statement that the regulation in force was inadequate because it was aimed at "lawful telemarketers". "This enforcement scheme is totally inadequate for crooks and we need to do more to separate the application of negligent acts and other errors by more sinister actors," added Thune.

A company that monitors automated calls and provides a blocking service, YouMail, estimates that last month, 5.1 billion automated calls were attributed to US phones.

"As the scourge of sporadic calls and automated calls reaches epidemic levels, the bipartite TRACED law will provide every person with much needed relief," said Markey in a statement. "It's a simple formula: authentication, blocking and enforcement of appeals, and this bill leads to all three."

[U.S. Senate Committee on Commerce, Science, and Transportation]
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