The rock used as a door goal for decades is actually a $ 100,000 meteorite


The next time you open your door with a makeshift bumper, such as a stone, you may want to take a closer look. David Mazurek, a lucky man from Michigan, did exactly that and he really Paid.

After finally investigating the rock that he had used for decades, Mazurek discovered that it was actually a meteorite worth $ 100,000. ?

Mazurek was inspired by the inspection by Central Michigan University after being informed that meteorites were selling for thousands of dollars earlier this year, according to Associated Press.

"I said:" Wait a minute, I wonder how much is mine ", he told the news agency.

After determining that the door stop was not an ordinary rock, Professor Mona Sirbescu of Central Michigan University allegedly sent two pieces to the Smithsonian.

"I could tell right away that it was something special," Sirbescu told AP. "This is the most valuable specimen I have ever had in my life, financially and scientifically."

Mazurek explained that his barn at Edmore was purchased in 1988 with his barn. This 23-pound specimen is now considered the sixth-largest meteorite ever found in Michigan.

"The story goes that it was collected immediately after witnessing the big boom and that the meteorite was dug into a crater," Sirbescu told AP. Mazurek added that the farmer who sold the barn told him that the specimen had landed in the yard in the 1930s.

Sirbescu pointed out that meteorites are often sold to collectors or museums. Additional tests on the meteorite are underway, but the Smithsonian and a Maine Mineral Museum have already expressed interest in acquiring the meteorite, according to the AP.

"It's finished using it as a door, let's leave a buyer!" Said Mazurek.

Maybe after selling and keeping his promise to donate to the university, Mazurek will consider investing in a real point of arrest.

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