The runny nose of the man turns out to be a leaking liquid in the brain


For five years, Greg Phillpotts had the endless runny nose that drove him crazy – and even ruined a Thanksgiving dinner.

Johnston County, North Carolina, has always thought that his runny nose was due to allergies.

"It could be anywhere, it could be in the air, it could be anywhere," he told WTVD. "You talk to someone and this thing flows out of your face."

It was a constant problem, he said, telling a celebration of Thanksgiving when he and his wife welcomed their extended family. "I was preparing a meal and standing in the kitchen, and that was added to the ingredients. It messed up all the dinner, "he says.

Over the years, Phillpotts has consulted many doctors who have explained that his runny nose was responsible for allergies ranging from allergy to bronchitis to pneumonia – but he has never diagnostic receipt allowing him to fix the problem. He continued to live with this frustration until last February, when he was up all night coughing.

"I was scared," he says.

The former New Yorker met Dr. Alfred Iloreta at Mount Sinai Hospital in New York, who quickly diagnosed a cerebrospinal fluid leak.

"It's the leaking liquid that surrounds the brain to cushion it first to protect it from shocks, trauma, or something like that," Iloreta told WTVD. "Sometimes, when the fluid flows out of the brain, this fluid can progress to what we call an ascending infection. Thus, bacteria can travel from the nose to the brain, causing meningitis. "

ASSOCIATED VIDEO: A woman with a runny nose like a waterfall for years discovered a leak of fluid in the brain

Iloreta and his fellow surgeons solved the problem by taking a flap of Phillpotts' body skin and placing it over the affected area during a minimally invasive skull operation.

Phillpotts is ecstatic about the fix.

"Have you ever been so congested that you can not breathe, and suddenly you can breathe again?" Asked he. "Do you know what relief it was?"

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