The runny nose of the North Carolina man turns out to be a leak of brain fluid


JOHNSTON COUNTY, N.- Greg Phillpotts said his runny nose tormented him for five years. Last year, his family's Thanksgiving feast was ruined when liquid suddenly poured from one nostril into the food, reports WTVD.

"I was preparing a meal and I was standing in the kitchen and that was added to the ingredients – it ruined everything for dinner," said North Carolina's father. While he had undergone surgery to correct the problem in September, he recently spoke to WTVD about his rare medical condition.

Phillpotts lived in New York until two years ago when he moved to southern Johnston County after his wife's withdrawal.

For years, Phillpotts blamed this allergy and told WCBS in September that doctors in North Carolina had diagnosed her with pneumonia and bronchitis.

After years of stuffing the handkerchiefs in his nose, one night in February, he was determined to understand what was going on in his body. Phillpotts said that a cough had prevented him from sleeping all night and had sufficiently scared him to find another doctor.

This time he had the right diagnosis.

In September, Dr. Alfred Iloreta of Mount Sinai Hospital in New York determined that Phillpotts' nose was in fact leaking cerebrospinal fluid.

"It's the leakage of fluid that surrounds the brain to cushion it, primarily to protect it from shock, trauma, or something like that," Dr. Iloreta told WTVD.

If left untreated, constant leakage can result in a dangerous infection, Iloreta said.

A non-invasive skull surgery was all that was needed to repair the leak – the doctors used a flap of Phillpotts skin from another part of his body as a patch.

After five years of torture, Phillpotts was delighted.

"Have you ever been so congested that you can not breathe, and suddenly you can breathe again?" Asked he. "Do you know what relief it was?"


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