The Russian lunar exploration program should be part of an international project – Research Institute


MOSCOW (UrduPoint News / Sputnik – September 30, 2018) Russia's lunar exploration program should be part of an international project as none of the major space powers is able to explore the only permanent natural satellite of the Earth without support from other states. The Institute of Space Research of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Anatoly Petrukovich, told Sputnik.

Earlier in September, Dmitry Rogozin, managing director of the Russian space company Roscosmos, said the US was proposing to Russia to participate in its lunar program, but that the company was not satisfied with playing the supporting role. The official planned to meet with his NASA colleagues to discuss options for equal participation, independent exploration, or engagement of BRICS states in the mission.

"This is a huge task in terms of financial support and technical solutions and, of course, this should be a basis for significant international participation, but Russia's participation should be important. ", said Petrukovich.

According to Petrukovich, the lunar base is not a single compartment for the life and work of astronauts, but a multi-component structure, of which different parts will be formed by different countries. He added that scientists are not very interested in landing a person on the moon, as these studies should be on a large scale with the use of modern technologies.

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