The Russo brothers tease the title of Avengers 4 with the Instagram photo


Are you good at finding the details hidden in seemingly bland photos? On Wednesday, the Russo brothers, directors of Avengers 4, launched a style challenge Where & # 39; s Waldo on Instagram and Twitter.

"Look good …" Joe and Anthony Russo tapped in the caption of a black and white photo of what appears to be Joe Russo sitting in a chair and looking at his laptop in the middle of an unfinished set . For some of us, this is not the slightest idea, but of course, a lot of dedicated fans have seen more than that.

The general consensus on social media seems to be that there are hidden letters in the photo, but no one can agree on what exactly they spell out. "Avengers: Endgame" was a popular nomination performed by Dr. Strange in Avengers: Infinity War.

The mystery of the title Avengers 4 has been create buzz since before the war Infinity was released, with the brothers teasing in March that the title could be hide a bloody spoiler.

Some did not bother to try to unravel the game, but they had fun talking about it anyway, sharing pictures of Batman and other characters thinking of puzzles.

One fan pointed out that Anthony Russo was not in the photo, and made a connection with the Infinity War plot events, writing: "Goddamnit, one of the Russo Brothers has disappeared thanks to the Snap. Thank you very much Thanos. "

Avengers 4 is not the only mystery of the title. Fans had hoped that Star Wars star Mark Hamill would share the title of Star Wars: Episode IX on his Twitter account, but it seems Hamill just has fun with his fans. Naturally, the Russos could do a similar joke, but no one will know until the title is officially announced.

Whatever its name, Avengers 4 is expected to be released on May 3, 2019 in the United States.

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