The Ryanair passenger catches the baggage handler in the camera's opening case and the flight speaker


A porter was photographed by opening a suitcase and pocketing a luggage speaker from a passenger.

A passenger from a Ryanair flight from Ibiza to Madrid Spain filmed the worker before alerting an air commissioner.

The cops say they made the man confess before returning the stolen object to his owner – a teenager traveling to the Spanish capital with his mother.

The porter must now be judged and started work only three days earlier.

It is understood that he was fired.

It can be seen in the images opening the case on a luggage cart before sinking inside one hand and placing the red speaker in the pocket of his left trousers.

The incident occurred on Friday morning.

A woman who bought her for her son told Diario de Ibiza: "The police told me it was the third day the man was working at the airport and that he sent the lecturer back to me. at once.

"I was very grateful because I had bought it for my son's birthday."

This story originally appeared on The Sun. Read more of The Sun's content here.

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