The scariest part of Europe's reaction to the anti-Trump NYT opposition? No one is surprised.


BERLIN – A resistance movement within the administration trying to derail some of President Trump's most controversial policies? At a different time and time, Wednesday's New York Times bomb, written by an unnamed senior Trump official, would have made headlines around the world.

But in the era of Trump and after months of similar revelations, foreign commentators have not even bothered to repeat what they have been saying for more than a year and a half: the president is destabilized and threatens world order.

Some called the unsigned column "scary"And both major French newspapers have described it as explosive. Social media users and journalists around the world have echoed a similar sentiment. "Revolt against the president by his own means staff "and readers who respond to a viral tweet if now would be the best time to invade the United States.

But other media had already left Thursday morning. Here are some examples of the main European media: a possible ban on diesel cars in some cities, the fastest SUV in the world breaking a record and people deciding to retire at age 40.

Danish social media users continued to air an article published the previous day, explaining why Europe was no longer interested in learning more about the White House. "Another book comes with revelations about Trump – but has the world become immune?", Titled an article on Danish TV channel TV2, referring to European reactions to the book by journalist Bob Woodward.

"The story of a government leader is apparently portrayed by some of his closest employees as being ignorant, unpredictable and uninterested in acquiring the knowledge necessary to perform the leadership work of the most powerful country in the world without jeopardizing the security of the nation at stake. … Nevertheless, the coverage has been thin and superficial until here, "said Mirco Reimer-Elster, TV2 commentator.

Meanwhile, the German weekly Die Zeit replaced the cover of the NYT columnist with a broad survey of what the Germans feared. "Nothing worries German citizens more than the current US president," the paper summarizes. According to a representative annual survey, while 59% of Germans feared terrorism, 69% were afraid of Trump.

The analysis of the German public broadcaster Deutsche Welle echoed this feeling, writing that the recent revelations about it described an "incompetent and dangerous president". But the writer Michael Knigge concluded that "

Meanwhile, the conservative British newspaper Telegraph continued to explore solutions, explaining exactly how Trump could be removed from office under the 25th Amendment. In the NYT editorial released Wednesday, the head of the administration, whose name was not disclosed, described the "rumors" of invoking the 25th amendment to remove Trump from office. The officials then decided against this option.

"The last account disclosed will put additional pressure on Mr. Trump," predicted Britain's Telegraph.

But the German conservative Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung wondered if the editorialist could also play in the hands of Trump. "Whenever someone will try to counter the impulsive reactions of the president with a sober attitude in the future, he might be suspected of being the" traitor "," wrote the newspaper's author with a skeptical title, "Autodeclared." hero at the White House.

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"Sleeping cells woke up": Trump and his helpers were shaken

The main nominees are "thwarting" Trump, according to a senior administration official in the New York Times.

All the appropriate speculation to tweet: Who wrote this anonymous time?

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