The scooter Braun says that he had the habit of worrying Justin Bieber was going to "die"


Scooter Braun, the manager behind Justin Bieber and Ariana Grande, revealed in a new interview that he regularly feared that Bieber would die because of his life choices.

Braun was moved to share this information in a candid interview with Van Lathan on The red pill Podcast. He explained how the Canadian singer's arrests, DUIs, and other bad behavior from previous years had troubled him.

"There was a time when I fell asleep almost every night when he had money to fly away and I was worried every night to lose him. That's when I told him he was not allowed to work, "said Braun. "He was screaming and screaming at me and he wanted to get out of the music. He wanted to do a tour, but I thought that if he did, he would die. So I just refused. We were not making money, it was not like I was trying to make the most of it. I did not want him to work, I wanted him to be healthy. "

Braun pointed out that Bieber's stock worried him more than those of a typical and reckless young adult, to such an extent that he attended Al-Anon meetings to try to help his artist. "I thought he was going to die. I thought he was going to sleep one night and that he would have so much nonsense in his system that he would not wake up the next morning, "he said.

He expressed a similar feeling to Complex in 2017. "There were points where I did not know if in the morning he was going to be there. And I was petrified and I was doing everything I could, "he said at the time.

Bieber ends up deciding to change his life. He is now healthy and engaged to model Hailey Baldwin. "I think he made a conscious choice to change himself … Only one day he got up and said," Hey, I have to talk to you. I do not want to be that person anymore, "said Braun. "And he made the decision to change, and put that into practice, and the result is who he has become today, and that is the result of his own decision, no one dies. ;other."

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