The Seahawks would be right to stay away from Patrick Peterson's trade


It's funny that a five-week difference can make a difference, but time and circumstances may have preemptively prevented the Seattle Seahawks from making an ill-considered decision. Trading for the corner half of the Cardinals of Arizona Patrick Peterson It would be a rash decision and the Seahawks would not even try to do it at this point, especially since the Cardinals would probably be reluctant to deal with a competitor in the division unless the price is too high.

As early as Monday, Peterson seems about to leave the Cardinals. According to reports, he wants to go out and despite the Cardinals who deny that he is on the trading block, Peterson is most likely on the trading block. The Cardinals have a win and are buried in the middle of a rebuild. These are not fake Seahawks, where you always have a quarter star, several Pro Bowlers and two All-Pro. But the real genre where you have a young and undeveloped quarterback and an aging defense with inconsistent parts and a whole new coaching regime.

The Cardinals would do well to sell their "older" talent and get what they can to rebuild through the project. The Seahawks did a part of that by exchanging Michael Bennett and releasing Richard Sherman among other movements, but the cardinals may have to do it on a larger scale. In any case, Peterson wants to go out and that is the choice of the company that suits him.

For the Seahawks, it is wise that this wish is granted elsewhere.

We know the head coach Pete Carroll and the general manager, John Schneider, do not hesitate to fight for the fence. They did it by trading against wide receiver Percy Harvin, tight tie Jimmy Graham, defensive tackle Sheldon Richardson and left tackle Duane Brown. Only one of these moves ended with a second contract for the players (Brown). Technically, Harvin was also extended but was traded in his second season in Seattle. The Seahawks will make things happen with the prospect of winning now.

Winning now can not be their main goal or at least win now at the expense of the bigger picture.

If it was the first week, the organization might have wanted to give up its project of "soft re-equipment" and sacrifice some of its capital to improve its position of half a year. corner. With cornerback Dontae Johnson in the injured reserve and Byron Maxwell on the injured reserve near being released, the Seahawks had to rely on the rookie Tre Flowers and sophomore Shaquill Griffin at the street corner. The era of Sherman's tight half-rounds was a thing of the past. In general, their high school was considered a "disaster".

Before the first week, everyone knew that the Seahawks had no Kam Chancellor strong security, no Sherman at the left corner, no Maxwell or Johnson at the right corner and probably not Earl Thomas safely. Now, the Seahawks can claim one of the big AND young defenders of the league. At the corner of the left corner, Griffin has already given the quarterback a break to play two interceptions in the second week. Strong security Bradley McDougald not only brings the pain to the former Chancellor's place, but is also one of the league's best coverage guarantees. The neglected Justin Coleman is still among the best nickel cornerbacks in the game. The team had Thomas and lost him. Although Thompson did not force business figures like his predecessor, the Deep Center did not open either.

Finally, one of their fifth-round picks in 2018 in Flowers was a revelation for the right-back half, making the Peterson purchase a ridiculous idea. Flowers stayed on the big game on his side of the field and forced turnovers. He has a forced escape but also two tips that led to interceptions. Carroll could not be more pleased with his progress because he explained the risk of throwing flowers in the first week.

"Well, we did not have to [play him]. We had other choices. There are other guys who could play, "he said. What risks? The risks are that every time you start a young man early, it's not going well and they have negative experiences. And, it weighs them heavier than an experienced guy would. Fortunately, you hope to succeed some games and he goes. He went through this now. He is really on the verge of becoming a true legitimate runner and trying to consolidate himself that way, but the risk is that if they have the setbacks and problems or the crucial games and that 's the only way to get on board is to be a legitimate starter. they do not play the ones they want. . This could then weigh more heavily on them and affect their ability to perform. But he does a great job. "

Flowers causing turnovers eliminate the need for Patrick Peterson (Photo: Ralph Freso, Getty)

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Even after two weeks of regular season, the team may have sought to add a veteran to his team. The flowers suffered a hamstring injury during the first week and could not play the second week. But his ability to cause damage with his safety instinct began to appear in the third week. As a former academic in security, he brings a strong hitter mentality to the matchmaking position with its length and speed to keep pace with receivers.

All of this means that the Seahawks have a young cornerback unit that does not need to add $ 14.9 million in payroll this season, as well as $ 11.8 million in 2019 and $ 13.1 million in 2020 brought by Peterson. The only comfort in trading for the talented corner would be that it was under long-term contract, but they might as well have kept Sherman if they had to pay that money to Peterson. Or, they would have already had to pay Thomas if they had to pay that money to Peterson. Peterson is 28 years old for the recording.

This does not help that they do not have the capital required. The Seahawks have already abandoned their choices for the second, sixth and seventh round projects for the 2019 project. They will continue to rebuild their team to quarter Russell Wilson The price of the products will increase soon, they need more choice of projects. Cheap young talent will be the key to not attract aging stars. Griffin, McDougald, Thompson and Flowers have all signed reasonable contracts for at least the next two seasons.

Instead of trading and paying Peterson, they would do well to keep Coleman in the mix that will be an unrestricted free agent in 2019.

Even before, the logistical nightmare was freeing up space to allow Peterson to be added. They have a lot of space after 2018, but there is only $ 4.9 left in 2018. They will have to find an extra $ 10 million for the trade to work.

None of this is additive for the moment. The Seahawks have their dynamic core of semi-bend of the future, while Peterson is upgrading the skills. it's not powerful enough to warrant sacrificing choices and a game plan that works with the young unit.

And so, the Seahawks should stay away, far away from a Peterson trade, even if they want to "Always compete".

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