The secret origin of a comic tribute to Stan Lee


The new version arrived late October of last year.

It would have been too difficult to ask artists to draw a page of history. I hoped to have the Bendis illustration, but this idea was never retained when it went from Marvel to DC Comics.

Enter Bill Walko, a cartoonist with whom I connected years ago, based on our common love of "New Teen Titans". I knew it was extremely fast and that it could capture the look I wanted. My goal was that we quickly finish the comics without having to publish it for many years.

I contacted Bill in November and – four days later! – He provided rough diagrams. Comics are often a group work – writer, draftsman, inker, colorist, letterer, publisher, publisher – and Bill has shown how wonderful this collaboration could be.

He improved my good suggestions and politely rejected the bad ones. He also added whimsical elements not in the script, such as the presentation of the title "My Moments With Stan" in the font of the original Fantastic Four logo and the presentation of the classic Marvel covers presented on the first page.

In February, Bill had designed and written comics. I recruited one of my colleagues, Susanna Timmons, to copy-edit it and I was delighted to discover that she was a fan of "Powers", a comic book series of Bendis and Michael Avon Oeming on police work in a city teeming with superheroes and villains. .

After recovering from a serious illness who landed him in hospital in December, Bendis reported his progress in May. "Thank you for thanking Bill for his outstanding work," he wrote. "I'm sorry I did not have any more communication with him. It was a very strange year. Excellent casting on your part. "(I wonder if I can include this in the assessment of my staff.)

Bill suggested using a colorist: "I think it will be better with a subject in four colors!" He adds that the colors would add clarity, on page 1, to the characters in the Marvel covers; on page 4, editing the heroes of the film; and on page 5, in passing from the memory of a meeting of Bendis and Lee to the photograph of that moment.

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