The secret role of John Krasinski in "A quiet place" will allow you to rethink everything – VIDEO


When he came to make the scary horror of last winter, A silent placewriter, director and star John Krasinksi has been involved in every aspect of story making. And yes, I mean each aspect, as it turns out, John Krasinski had a secret role in A silent place – He played extraterrestrial creatures that chased the Abbot family all the way through the movie!

the Office former student revealed his secret role during an appearance on Jimmy Kimmel Live October 16, announcing to the host Jimmy Kimmel that he had planned to keep as long as possible the role of monster capturing the monsters. "Nobody knows because I kept silent," admitted Krasinski.

At the beginning of the film's production, Krasinski worked with the effects team to develop the look and movement of the monsters when the actor / director decided to simply show the terrifying creatures that were in his head. "Extraordinary people to [Industrial Light and Magic] asked: "So how does the creature move?" and I said, "Well, here's how I think it's going to crawl," Krasinski explained about the pre-production process that culminated in his secret appearance. " And they said, "Well, why do not you put on the costume?" And I told myself: "Totally!"

Jimmy Kimmel Live on YouTube

Kimmel even showed the public a picture of Krasinski in full monster mode, which the actor jokingly said "would end my career". And, in an effort to explain the intense howling he was doing in his motion capture suit, Krasinski also recalled that the "level of engagement was very high" when it came to making A silent place.

But as scary as seeing his secret cameo revealed to the world might have been for Krasinski, the actor admitted that the scariest part of the horror film's realization was actually the prospect of eventually achieving his woman, Emily Blunt, on the screen. "That's why I never asked him to do it," admitted Krasinski to Kimmel, adding, "It's true, I never asked him to play the role." wrote the movie thinking about it … but I'm so scared. "

In the film, Blunt embodies Evelyn, the pregnant wife of Lee Abbot, of Krasinksi, who tries to raise her children with a sense of normalcy in the midst of their terrifying and post-apocalyptic world. Although Blunt was hailed by critics for his performance, Kransinski was reluctant to officially nominate him for fear of feeling obligated to help him, without feeling really connected to the film.

"First [I was nervous]Krasinski explained: "But I was more afraid that she would say," Yes, I will do it for you, "Krasinski explained.

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"I've been to her side when she made all these incredible decisions and she is without a doubt the most classy, ​​smartest and most dedicated actress I know of. And when we see to what she invested in every role, I did not want her to come to bed just for me. "

Fortunately for him, Blunt made his decision when she asked to read the script while the couple were flying together. "She really looked sick," Krasinski said about Blunt's reaction to reading the story for the first time. "And I was looking for a garbage bag thinking that she was going to throw up." Instead, she said, "You can not let anyone do this movie. "

If the couple can recreate this magic for the sequel proposed by the movie, Krasinski should have another mainstream horror film at the box office.

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