The security clearance of Hillary Clinton revoked at her own request


The Senate Judiciary Committee confirmed Friday that the security clearance of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton had been revoked at her own request. This decision came more than a year after Judge Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley asked the department to determine whether Clinton still had a security clearance.

According to the letter published by Grassley, the State Department stated that Clinton's authorization had been revoked on August 30. Five of Ms. Clinton's assistants, whom she had asked to be designated as researchers, had their security clearance revoked on September 20.

During the Clinton presidential race, lawmakers and investigators focused on the security clearance of his staff as part of the investigation into his use of a mail server private.

Retired senior officials generally maintain a basic level of basic security, but the Trump administration is "exploring" the possibility of revoking security clearances of several intelligence officials who have criticized the president.

Sarah Huckabee Sanders, press secretary, said in July that the White House was assessing "on a case-by-case basis" the authorizations of several of President Obama's intelligence officials, including former FBI director James Comey, and L & # 39; Former National Security Advisor Susan Rice.

In August, President Trump ordered former CIA director John Brennan to be stripped of his security clearance.

The ICA "holds" the security clearance of former directors and renews it every five years for the rest of their lives. But this requires former CIA directors to behave like current CIA employees if they want to retain their authorization, which means avoiding going to certain countries and living in general without blame. .

Other former government employees may retain their security clearance if they are employed in the private sector where they work with classified information, such as at a defense subcontractor. The company would then ask the government to retain or receive a security clearance. The security agents of the different agencies then grant or order whether a person can keep his or her authorizations.

Hundreds, if not thousands, of private companies ask their employees to receive a security clearance. In an interview with Bloomberg earlier this year, the CEO of Lockheed Martin said that 60,000 of his employees have some kind of security clearance.

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