The Senate committee agrees with the Intel community that Putin was trying to help Trump


The Senate panel released a summary on Tuesday of its review of the January 2017 assessment of the intelligence community, which exposed the case of Russian meddling in the elections and concluded that Putin was attempting to & # 39; To help Trump win

. The intelligence community's assessment of Russia's intentions was solid, which contradicts Republicans' report from the House Intelligence Committee that concluded that Putin's goals were insufficient in the US. assessment of Putin's goals. The sources, the trades and the analytical work underpin the Intelligence Community Assessment and see no reason to dispute the findings, "said Intelligence Council Chairman Richard Burr in a statement reiterating what is happening. It was originally said in May.

The non-confidential summary released on Tuesday provides details on why the Senate Intelligence Committee agreed with the intelligence community that Russia was trying to crack down on. helping Trump and wound Hillary Clinton's campaign, but the president himself repeatedly refused to say that Russia was interfering in helping it.

"Russia continues to to say that they had nothing to do with Mastering in our election! "Trump received a boost in March from Republicans of the House Intelligence Committee, who also said in their report that & # 39; it There was no evidence of collusion between members of the Trump team and Russian officials.

The committee wrote that it "identified significant breaches of the code of intelligence that undermine confidence in the judgments of the ICA (Intelligence Community Assessment) regarding the strategic objectives of the Russian President Vladimir Putin to disrupt US elections. "

was intended to help protect Trump, not to discover collusion, and they questioned the Republicans' conclusions on the intelligence community's report

The Senate Intelligence Committee came to a different conclusion intelligence product. "

The committee said that the intelligence analysis of the Russian community relies on public comments from Russia, reports from Russian public media, public examples where Russian interests are aligned with the political statements of the US candidates and a set of intelligence reports confirming that Putin and the Russian government clearly chose Trump. "

The Senate summary noted that there were different levels of trust between the US and the US. National Security Agency and the CIA and the FBI as to whether Putin and the Russian government aspired to help Trump; the CIA and the FBI rated with "high trust" and the NSA with "moderate confidence". But the committee wrote that its review revealed that "analytical disagreement was reasonable, transparent, and openly debated between agencies and analysts, with analysts, managers, and agency heads on both sides of the trust level." justifying their positions "[19659002"Danstouteslesinterviewsdeceuxquiontrédigéetpréparél'ICAlecomitéaentenduquelesanalystesn'étaientsoumisàaucunepressionpolitiquepourarriveràdesconclusions"aécritlecomité"Touslesanalystesontexpriméqu'ilsétaientlibresdedébattred'objecteraucontenuetd'évaluerlesniveauxdeconfiancecommec'estnormaletappropriépourleprocessusanalytique"

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