In remembrance of the five journalists of the & quot; Capital Gazette & # 39; murdered by a gunman while they were working at their office in Annapolis, Maryland.

The police knew the newspaper that he attacked considered him a danger and, in tweets accessible to all, the man suspected of killing five in a Maryland's newspaper this week spread its hatred with a flood of invectives

Jarrod Ramos, charged with five counts of first-degree murder for the murderous murder of Thursday at the newspaper Capital Gazette in Annapolis , shows the angles deaths that prevent law enforcement companies and the Internet – watch n as the gusher of social media puts the warning signs in sight.

"The terror and violence we saw at the Capital Gazette is another horrific example of the need to update our laws to reflect modern crime," said Katherine Clark, D-Mass. to strengthen federal laws on online harassment and increase e-learning for the country's police services.

Ramos, 38, published harassing social media messages that alarmed newspaper editors and prompted police to investigate. charges or Twitter to ban it. Twitter suspended Ramos's account on Friday.

Ramos' grudge with the Capital Gazette dates back to a July 2011 article in which the paper recounted his guilty plea for harassing a former classmate by email, phone and Facebook

. A year later, Ramos filed a defamation suit against the newspaper in a state court in Maryland and later added a charge of invasion of privacy on the cover of his conviction by the newspaper [19659011]. a Twitter campaign in which he launched vitriol against the newspaper and his staff, including threats against the former journalist who wrote about his harassment sentence, Eric Thomas Hartley and retired editor Tom Marquardt

. Ramos 'account says, "I'll appreciate seeing @capgaznews stop publishing, but it'd be nice to see Hartley and Marquardt stop breathing."

Ramos' Twitter account was journalist Hartley image as his avatar, and included the slogan "make corpses of corrupt careers." On the front of Hartley was photoshopped a symbol of the Japanese manga and anime series "Berserk", which tells the ritual murder of people marked with it. Ramos also photoshopped the symbol on Marquardt's head.

Since November 20, 2011, Ramos mentions in @ethartley tweets or his surname 107 times, Marquardt's name or as "Evil Tom" nearly 100 times and @capgaznews more than 50 times, according to a USA TODAY HUI analysis.

In this June 28 photo, Capital Gazette journalists Pat Furgurson in the center and Chase Cook hug in a makeshift office in a garage. A shopping mall in Annapolis, Md., During the cover of fatal shootings that took place in the newsroom of their newspaper earlier in the day. (Photo: Thalia Juarez, AP)

The newspaper regularly attacked the newspaper and its journalists, including a reference to the deadly shooting of the French newspaper Charlie Hebdo in 2015.

He was dormant since January 2016 Moments before the shooting on Thursday, he issued a message: "F — you, leave me alone." It was the same message that he had posted the day after the decision of the state court of second instance.

More information: Tweets of the Annapolis suspect reveal a man obsessed with a newspaper

Learn more more: I worked at the Capital Gazette. This shootout did not hit home, she was at home.

For more information: "The most dangerous person I've ever known": A lawyer fears a suspicious press murder [19659008] More more: Jarrod Ramos, Suspect in the Capital Gazette Shootout, Planned Attack and Blocked Escape Route

Marquardt tells the Capital Gazette that he called Anne Arundel his worries about the Ramos attacks on the newspaper and its journalists on social media.

"I was seriously worried that he was threatening us with physical violence," said Marquardt. "I even told my wife," We have to worry, this guy could really hurt us. ""

Shooting Capital Gazette (Photo: USA TODAY)

Anne Arundel County Police Chief, Timothy Altomare, stated that an investigator had been instructed to investigate the case in May 2013, but that the newspaper had finally refused to pursue the case.

Some experts in the application of the law wondered if Ramos' online messages exceeded a legal threshold that would have allowed the police to lay charges

"His statements may be defamatory, they may be slanderous, they may be heinous … But the question is: are his statements credible threats? In retrospect, it's easy to say yes. But we have a lot of crazy people in this world who say things, "said Peter Scharf, co-founder of the Gulf Coast Computer Forensics Laboratory and a criminologist at Louisiana State University.

" You now have people saying: "But what would trigger a rational intervention in law enforcement?"

The Plague of Twitter

Online harassment has become an epic problem: four out of ten Americans have been personally harassed online. Eighteen percent of Americans reported being subjected to particularly harsh online harassment, such as physical threats, prolonged harassment, sexual harassment or harassment, according to a 2017 Pew Research Center poll.

Facebook, Instagram, wherever users can publicly comment on the update of another, but Twitter, the platform of choice of Ramos, has long been marked by rampant abuses.

For years, Twitter was reluctant to limit freedom of expression on the service.

People do not have to use their real name on Twitter. And with this anonymity came racist, sexist and anti-Semitic taunts and attacks, as well as full-fledged campaigns by trolls, individuals or groups whose primary intention is to sow discord on social media platforms. Ineffective efforts to control this behavior have pushed some users, including the most important ones, to the platform.

Twitter now acknowledges that it has not acted fast enough to stop abuse and harassment. Twitter's CEO, Jack Dorsey, promised that Twitter would work to make the environment healthier for users – at the same time, Twitter abuse escalated during and after the presidential election .

The company has taken more aggressive measures to reduce harassment, including reducing the visibility of disruptive or abusive accounts, offering users new tools to block content that they do not want to see and reinforcing employee training. harassment complaints from Twitter users.

We do not know if the tweets of the account Ramos have broken the rules of Twitter.

According to its terms of use, Twitter prohibits "abusive behavior and hateful behavior" and prohibits specific threats of physical violence, death or illness. Threats must be "explicit statements of intent to kill or inflict serious bodily harm on another person". [19659089] More: Twitter promises a new crackdown on abuse after the boycott of Harvey Weinstein

New tools to identify harmful behavior would not have alerted Twitter of Ramos, whose account had slept for more than two years until Thursday, when he had made a last threatening tweet. Before Twitter started using the new tools, an individual user should have reported Ramos tweets as a problem. Even though users report such abuses, Twitter has had uneven track record of action on the complaint.

Facebook and Twitter still do not devote enough resources to moderating content and do not impose enough penalties on those who break the rules. The behavior of trolls online, said Jennifer Grygiel, professor of communication at Syracuse University, who studies social media.

"We also see that online trolls know exactly the limits of moderation of content. the content is reported, "she said. "Often, aggressive comments do not respect the language of moderation of content."

The police often lack tools and know-how


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View Captions Clark, the congressman from Massachusetts, said the scourge of online harassment is further complicated by the fact that many law enforcement agencies – in fact especially small and medium-sized enterprises – have little capacity to train officers on investigations.

She is proposing legislation in the House that provides $ 20 million a year to help local and national law enforcement officials with cybercrime training and a grant of $ 4 million a year. to create a national resource center on cybercriminals.

At the federal level, cybercrime prosecutions have been inconsistent, according to analysts. Clark said the issue was simply a less priority issue for federal prosecutors.

"With the training of law enforcement officers, we have seen progress, including specialized prosecutors online," said Danielle Lemon. But gains have been modest and online harassment laws remain seriously enforced in the country

Brianna Wu, a computer programmer threatened with death and rape by activist supporters. The online movement known as Gamergate that targeted feminist criticism of the gambling scene, said the Capital Gazette massacre emphasized that all actors – law enforcement, lawmakers, social networks and their users – had to act

sent threats of rape and murder to women, including Wu. US Attorney for Massachusetts, however, refused to prosecute

"Everyone has a role to play – myself included, "said Wu, who is currently a congressional candidate in Massachusetts," We must stop feeling helpless and we must begin to do so. "

] To find out more: The Capital Gazette shooter has been identified with the help of a controversial facial recognition technology.

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