The situation of the Israeli-Palestinian conflict – Al Arabiya English


The issue that has come up in recent months is that Arabs and Israelis can sit down and negotiate to finalize the two-state solution or end up with one state at the expense of other Arab countries. Palestinian refugees since 1948?

To end the 70-year-old conflict, regional and international actors must be engaged to resolve this conflict without giving extremists the chance to find room for maneuver to transform their activities within certain communities. solidarity and stability.

Israel calls for new security assurances to ensure that no further war between Israel and the Palestinians and Arabs occurs. Russia has the ability to successfully lead the two sides in talks to solve their problems and end the long-standing conflict

Shehab Al-Makahleh

Washington-Moscow mediation

The Middle East is divided into two camps: pro-Western and pro-Russian. Although the number of Arab states, allies of the United States and its Western partners, is higher than that of strategic relations with Russia, this does not downplay the importance of Russia's presence in the Middle East. Orient as a key player in the United States.

Once Israeli Defense Minister Avigdor Lieberman said that there should be a regional agreement before the conclusion of a peace agreement between the Palestinians and the Israelis. It is a very central point to ponder, as it is vital, symptomatic, revealing and revealing that Tel Aviv will not accept any alliance with the Palestinians without a regional settlement first. In other words, Israelis regard their national security as an imperative and a necessity, regardless of the concerns of others.

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The United States and its Western allies have tried to bring the two sides, the Palestinians and the Israelis, back to talks to finalize a pact that ends the seven-decade-long but failed conflict. It's just because Western allies were party supporters. To be an honest broker, it helps to resolve the impasse, without the whole region turning into useless wars. The current situation implies opening the door to extremists who will benefit from the void that may result from the dispute over the future of a Palestinian state or its proposed form.

The European Union (EU) had played a central role in the past before Israelis and Palestinians accuse the European Union of being a victim of jaundice. At times, the union was accused of being underweight to resolve the real causes of the conflict.

Given that the Israelis are not willing to give up the West Bank, that Palestinians and Arabs have been fighting for over 50 years with East Jerusalem, the only solution is to find a solution for the people involved in the creation of the West Bank. an Israeli state. the persistent dispute: France, the United Kingdom and Russia to reach the final settlement. European countries with their own international problems, the other partner, who can manage the final status of the Palestinian-Israeli agreement, would be Russia for various reasons.

Russia as an honest broker

Israel calls for new security assurances to ensure that no other war between Israel on the one hand and Palestinians and Arabs breaks out; Russia has the necessary skills to lead the two sides to talks to resolve their problems and end the long-standing conflict.

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Tel Aviv is currently asking international communities for these assurances. At present, neither Palestinians nor Israelis want to discuss their problems because they accuse each other of inciting an upsurge of violence. As Palestinians have lost trust in former peace partners, Russians are the only honest middlemen for Israelis and Palestinians because they have very good ties to Israelis and Palestinians, as well as to peace and security. other key regional actors.

Russia is interested in Israel's national security interests because Moscow is seeking an end to this protracted conflict, which has become another nightmare for the Russians after Moscow has almost succeeded in defusing tension and terrorism in Syria. If the Palestinian problem is not resolved, it will create a climate of extremism and cross-border terrorism.

Russia being closer to the Middle East than the EU and the US geographically and culturally, it is in Russia's interest to seek with all parties concerned a comprehensive and timely solution because, One way or another, to a military explosion in the region, a threat to Israeli, Palestinian, Middle Eastern and international security.

Thousands of Russian Jews left the Soviet Union after the fall of the communist regime, as many of them found life in the former union very difficult. From here, Israel has offered them better opportunities to live. Today, there is a large number of Russian Jews and other Jews from other republics of the Soviet Union living in Israel.

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Since the arrival of President Vladimir Putin, he has sought better relations with Israel. Over the years, there have been many official visits: several Israeli prime ministers have visited Russia and President Putin and other Russian officials have visited Israel on numerous occasions.

As Russia has good relations with the Palestinians, like other countries in the region, Moscow can work with Washington to ensure stability in the turbulent Middle East, because Russia fears that extremism will spread in its back -country. The superpowers are famous for constructing contradictions and realizing a reality. This has been the problem with the Palestinian cause.

The Israeli and Palestinian sides must now resume negotiations with the full support of the two superpowers, because the present moment is existential for the Palestinians; the time factor is not in their favor; the status quo is not in favor of Israel; the risk of provoking extremism and terrorism on a larger scale to fill the void runs counter to international peace and stability. Thus, it is either an act of solving the outstanding issues, or the entire region will be back in the quagmire and lawlessness.

Israelis and Palestinians have been stuck for too long and something must change. The current state of affairs is untenable, not only for the Israelis, but also for the Palestinians to a certain extent. They must both return to the negotiating table to ensure that their nations live in peace, security and stability and do not allow extremists to take advantage of these shortcomings to act on behalf of both governments.

Russia seems to be an enthusiastic partner to negotiate an agreement. However, belligerents must be prepared to thaw frozen canals and stop blaming each other for security problems because Palestinians and Israelis are experiencing existential moments and threats. Will a two-state solution be considered? The answer could come from Moscow.

Shehab Al-Makahleh is director of the Geostrategic Media Center, a senior policy and media analyst in the Middle East, an advisor to many international consulting firms. He can be reached at: @ shehabmakahleh and @Geostrat_ME.


Last updated: Friday, September 7, 2018 KSA 10:09 – GMT 07:09

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