The Skrulls of 'Captain Marvel & # 39; do they indicate the future (and the hidden past) of the MCU?


Fans speculate that a 2008 cartoon is ready for film adaptation.

The introduction of the Skrulls in the film world of Marvel with next year Captain Marvel triggered a wave of speculation – if not pure expectation – among fans that the next big story of the comic will be adapted to the next screen Avengers: Infinity War will be Secret invasion. If this is true, it means that it's time for a wave of paranoia to make the days of "Hail Hydra" look like a walk in the park.

The basic concept of Secret invasion is simple: The Skrulls – a race of aliens with changing shapes, dominated by galactic domination – has for years been a number of characters replacing characters familiar with the Marvel universe with sleeping agents. everyone is even aware that this was really happening.

The eight-issue comic series, which was hailed in 2008, had a double impact: the Skrulls in question were religious extremists who believed they had been divinely blessed in their mission and where several heroes came forward, claiming to have been abducted. and replaced by Skrulls at various times in the past, essentially reordering relationships (and, in some cases, character deaths) to move forward. In terms of the scale of the scenario – and even in the months that preceded it – it was deliberately difficult to know which heroes were or were not themselves.

Beyond the confirmation of the existence of the Skrulls in the MCU, it is not quite obvious that so many fans have jumped to the conclusion that Secret invasion must be adapted to the screen. Ignoring the fact that most Marvel Studios projects tend to focus on comic book concepts, rather than adapting them directly – compare comic and cinematic versions of comics Civil war or Gauntlet of Infinity / War as proof – the fact that 2014 Captain America: The Winter Soldier has already offered a sleep agent drama for the MCU; Is there really much more that could be added by ensuring that the scenario presents extraterrestrials this time around?

The answer could be yes. As the cartoon version of the story has clearly shown, Secret invasion and the idea, essentially, an invasion of the superheroes, not only allows Marvel to cancel any development project she wants, but it did not really happen! It's happened to the aliens! – but also to reverse existing relationships, alliances and allegiances in the name of melodrama and play happily with fans' expectations. It provides a framework for rewriting history without destroying stories that have been read, seen and loved before. they were still happening, they had just happened in a different way and with people different from those previously appeared.

For Marvel Studios, there is an extra bonus, especially cynical. Many central characters of the microcontroller are obsolete, Iron Man, Captain America, Thor et al. Should be retired after follow-up Avengers: Infinity War. But what would happen if some revealed that some of them were not real versions of the heroes, and that there is another more authentic version (played, of course, by a younger and cheaper actor) that was hidden at that moment …?

For the moment, it's just a speculation that the Skrulls of Captain Marvel means something other than sharp villains for this film. But, as the Secret invasion comics taught everyone, maybe it's not a bad idea to be just a little suspicious, just in case …

Captain Marvel

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