The son of Bernie Sanders, Levi, loses the New Hampshire Congress primary


Levi Sanders, the son of Senator Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.), Lost his candidacy to one of the two US seats in New Hampshire.

The youngest, the Sanders, were far behind the biggest winners of the 11 Democrats, seeking the nomination of the party in primary Tuesday for the seat of the 1st district of Congress. He was considered a long-time candidate in the race, having raised less than $ 40,000, according to Federal Election Commission records. His residency in the state's 2nd Congressional District also hindered his campaign.

Chris Pappas, a former state legislator and current member of the Executive Council who advises the governor of New Hampshire, won the Democratic race. He seeks to become the first openly gay member of Congress.

Bernie Sanders, who, as a New Englander compatriot, is popular in New Hampshire and won his Democratic presidential primary in 2016 by more than 20 percentage points, did not approve his son. he said in a statement At the beginning of this year, the family does not "believe in dynastic politics. Levi runs his own campaign in his own way. "

Levi Sanders, 49, has taken very similar positions on his father's issues in his presidential bid, including supporting Medicare-for-all and public colleges with no tuition fees. Yet, he told The New York Times in an August profile that "I'm not a clone of my father".

"The reality is that I am my own person," he said. "My father did not represent people in legal services."

The young Sanders worked 18 years as a legal analyst specializing in social security benefits. He has not held public office, but has already run and lost a run for the Claremont City Council, where he still lives, according to the Times.

Among the controversies that struck him was an aggressive line argument he pursued with other students in his 1987 class in Burlington, Vermont, about the penalties imposed on participants who did not respond. (he was against)

He also tweeted that he's not in favor of "White Privilege Garbage" arguments and criticized Joy Reid from MSNBC for employing "identity politics".

During a debate in August in the main race, Sanders had turned off the moderator's microphone after refusing to stop speaking when his allotted time had expired. He was also booed by the crowd for attacking his colleagues.

New Hampshire's 1st congressional district, which includes the city of Manchester and is currently represented by Democrat Carol Shea-Porter, is one of the most competitive countries in the country for more than a decade. Keeping it there is a top priority for Democrats seeking to take control of the GOP House.

Shea-Porter first won in 2006 against a Republican candidate, then retained her seat in 2008. But in the 2010 GOP wave that swept the United States, she lost to Frank Guinta .

Shea-Porter won a rematch in 2012, but lost again against Guinta in 2014. But she recovered her seat in 2016. She decided to retire after that term; Guinta, meanwhile, was not one of six primary GOP candidates for the seat. In the Republican race, former Liquor Commission official Eddie Edwards defeated Sen. Andy Sanborn for the party's nomination.

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