The son of former Cowboys TE Jay Novacek alleges a disturbing incident of hazing at the Oklahoma fraternity


Jay Novacek is well known as the tight group of the great Dallas Cowboys teams of the 1990s. His son Blake dreamed of a fame in the same field of sports, but as a broadcaster or presenter of Sportscenter.

These hopes were wiped out by a disturbing incident in Oklahoma University's Beta Theta Pi fraternity that Blake Novacek allegedly damaged her on the way to the semi-blindness and institutionalization of suicidal thoughts.

The incident, which would have occurred in the fall of 2015 and was detailed in a long report from the Dallas Observer, is now the subject of a $ 10 million lawsuit filed by Novacek for charges of assault and assault. negligence. world of university fraternities.

What Blake Novacek claims to have arrived in Oklahoma

Novacek said he chose the University of Oklahoma for his audiovisual journalism program and promised his own radio show and a job at the Oklahoma television channel, SoonerVision. He was an aspiring talent in the world of sports broadcasting, having already presented an hour – long football show to his local ESPN affiliate as a high school student.

Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm "type =" text "content =" Once on campus, Novacek also decided to Beta Theta Pi. In the article, he stated that he was attracted to the ridiculously opulent facilities of the fraternity (one can see their house of $ 11 million in this video), an aggressive recruitment ground and a promise that the chapter was "determined to be 100% free" of alcohol, drugs and hazing. ""data-reactid =" 27 "> Once on campus, Novacek also decided to commit to Beta Theta Pi. In the article, he stated that he was attracted to the ridiculously opulent facilities of the fraternity. , an aggressive recruiting ground and a promise that the chapter was "determined to be 100% free" of alcohol, drugs and hazing. "

This last part apparently seemed very, very wrong.

Aged 18, Novacek said he and his first-year colleague had been promptly pushed into degrading activities and forced to learn trivial facts about each member of the fraternity. While breaking the promise that Novacek had received, it was not the same as what would happen after Oklahoma's loss to Texas.

From Dallas Observer:

At a certain point the next week, Novacek said he had been summoned to the Beta via the GroupMe message, but this appearance was not like the others. Most, he said, took place around 9 pm and this one, the best he could remember, was past midnight. This time he was blindfolded and a pillowcase was placed on his head.

Novacek says that he was brought up the stairs, and then down a hallway, where he heard moans and screams. Alarmed, he took off his pillow case and peeked under his blindfold to see a pledge on the floor with a panic attack.

Finally, Novacek claimed that he was alone in a room with Brother Shane Muselmann, who he felt resented.

According to Novacek, Muselmann ordered him to put back his headband and pillowcase. It was at this point that Muselmann swung the bat and hit Novacek in the belly, just beneath his ribs. The blow made him go back into the wall first, then lost balance and fell. As he descends, Novacek believes that the back of his head has hit a marble window sill. (Muselmann denies this.)

"At first I was not unconscious, but I had nothing left," Novacek says. "I do not know how much time I spent there. Could have been a minute, 10 minutes or hours. "

<p class = "canvas-atom-text-canvas Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – sm Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Novacek said he was waking up on a couch on basement of the fellowship and returned to his dorm with a cracked headache, but not until he received a threat from another member of the fellowship, Gavin Martindale."data-reactid =" 36 "> Novacek said that he finally got up on a couch in the basement of the fraternity and returned to his room with a blistering migraine, but not before being threatened by another member fraternity. Gavin Martindale.

"Hey, what happened to you last night?" Said Martindale, immediately providing Novacek with his desired response before the engagement can fully understand the issue. "If you talk about that, we'll kick you off campus. You will be done. We are going to ruin you and your family.

What happened to Novacek after the incident?

Three years after the incident, Novacek would still feel the effects of the brain damage that he suffered that night. And they almost ruined his life.

According to the article, Novacek's speech therapist believes that his vocabulary and his quick recall time have decreased by 84%, his ophthalmologist predicts that a blurred vision of his left eye is a forerunner of the blindness in his neurologist. the brain trauma left him "the brain of a 65-year-old man".

"Imagine having a tight elastic band around your head," he says of his incessant headache. "Now add 40 more around this one. Welcome to my world."

<p class = "canvas-atom-canvas-text Mb (1.0em) Mb (0) – smt Mt (0.8em) – sm" type = "text" content = "Novacek was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and severe anxiety disorder. He left Oklahoma and was institutionalized twice, once after expressing suicidal ideation. His friends and relatives describe him as a completely changed person."data-reactid =" 48 ">Novacek was diagnosed with post-traumatic stress disorder, bipolar disorder and severe anxiety disorder. He left Oklahoma and was institutionalized twice, once after expressing suicidal ideation. His friends and relatives describe him as a completely changed person.

The fraternity denied almost all allegations of aggression and negligence that night.

As a result of what happened that night, Novacek described an uncomfortable relaxation of not telling the authorities what he had gone through and the fraternity that held him at bay before removing him from the classroom. collateral.

According to the report, when Novacek finally spoke to a lawyer after being arrested by the police with marijuana, he decided to continue the trial.

Potentially the latest fraternity scandal

Although Novacek's story is disturbing and discouraging, it is well known in the landscape of fraternal scandals. The article notes that Beta Theta Pi contributed more than its fair share there, the Oregon University section having been disbanded in 2016 due to hazing and 18 members of the Penn chapter State were arrested in 2017 forcing him to ingest 18 vodka drinks in the 80s.

The Novacek incident also occurred the same year that another fraternity scandal struck Oklahoma, when the chapter Sigma Alpha Epsilon was recorded singing his famous song. This chapter was finally suspended, while Novacek and the Beta chapter are still waiting for a resolution.

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