The sorrow related to sleep disorders, according to a study


Washington DC: According to one study, the link between sleep disorders and inflammation was two to three times higher among recently widowed people.

The study, led by Rice and Northwestern Universities, was published in the journal Psychosomatic Medicine.

People who have recently lost their spouse are more likely to have sleep disturbances that exacerbate the levels of inflammation in the body and these high levels of inflammation can increase the risk of cardiovascular disease and stroke. deaths, researchers have found.

The study compared the self-reported sleep patterns of recently reported widowers to a control group. Both groups had sleep disturbances, such as insomnia.

The researchers found that the link between sleep disorders and inflammation was two to three times higher among bereaved wives.

Corresponding author Diana Chirinos said the study suggests that these bereaved people are more susceptible to the negative effects of poor sleep on health.

"The death of a spouse is an extremely stressful event and they have to adapt to life without the support of the spouse," she said. "Add sleep disturbances to their already stressful situation and you double the stressor.As a result, their immune system is more overactive."

Chirinos said that she and her fellow researchers already knew that widowers had higher levels of inflammation. Earlier work has shown that during the first six months after the loss of the spouse, widowers and widows were 41% more likely to die, and 53% of this increased risk was due to cardiovascular disease. However, they wanted to find the specific cause.

"Now we know that it's not grief itself, it's the sleep disorders that stem from this grief," Chirinos said.

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