The sound of seaweed and the health of coral reefs


New research shows that the sound generated during photosynthesis in seaweed can help monitor the health of coral reefs.

Floating algae

Floating algae
Photo: (Provided)

Marine Acousticist Giacomo Giorli of the National Institute of Atmospheric Research and Research (Niwa) stated that the gas bubbles released by the algae during photosynthesis produced sounds correlated with the amount of oxygen.

"Reduced algal cover is one of the main indicators of stress in coral reef ecosystems.

"Our observation suggests that monitoring sounds generated by photosynthesis of algae could potentially be used to estimate the amount of algae and healthy ecosystems in coral reefs."

Research by Dr. Giorli and his colleagues at the Hawaii Marine Biology Institute consisted of collecting algae and placing them in an experimental tank equipped with an aquarium lamp.

A hydrophone was used to measure the sound in the tank, while a high-resolution video camera recorded the bubbles and measured their size.

The sound came from the tiny movements of the bubbles that formed a spherical shape in the water.

"The bigger the bubble, the weaker the sound."

NIWA scientists said it was also possible to use this method to learn more about New Zealand's kelp forests.

NIWA marine biologist Dr. Archino Dr. Roberta said kelp forests were declining overseas, but there was little data on the size and distribution of these in New Caledonia. Zealand.

"Some species of kelp are very sensitive to rising temperatures.

"While there is surveillance in New Zealand, we do not really know how they are affected on a large scale."

The document was written by Dr. Giorli in collaboration with Simon and Lauren Freeman of the US Navy's Undersea Warfare Center and Andreas F. Haas of the Royal Netherlands Institute for Research at Sea.

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