The sounds of a Martian sunrise inspired musical composition


The sonification process involved assigning specific pitches and melodies to such characteristics in the data as brightness, color, and the elevation of the field.
enlarge / The sonification process involved assigning specific pitches and melodies to such characteristics in the data as brightness, color, and the elevation of the field.

YouTube / NASA

NASA 's Mars rover Opportunity fell silent earlier this year, but if it never regains full function, it had one last gift to give. Scientists have transformed Opportunity's image of its 5,000th sunrise on Mars using a process called data sonification.

"Sonification is a really flexible technique to explore science, and it can be used in several areas, from studying certain features of planet surfaces and atmospheres," said Domenico Vicinanza, director of the Sound and Volcanic Eruptions, Game Engineering research group at Anglia Ruskin University. "In health science, it can provide scientists with new methods to analyze the occurrence of certain shapes and colors, which is particularly useful in image diagnostics."

He and his co-creator, the University of Exeter's Genevieve Williams, will debut their two-minute songwriting ("Mars Soundscapes") at NASA's booth at the SC18 Supercomputing conference this week in Dallas, Texas.

To create their composition, Vicinanza and Williams scanned the image, pixel by pixel, from left to right. Then they are assigned specific pitches and melodies to such characteristics in the data as brightness, color, and the elevation of the field. Martian "soundtrack" in the video below. Those lucky enough to be at the conference will also be able to experience it via vibrational transducers, feeling the vibrations with their hands as well as listening to the sounds.

This is not Vicinanza's first foray into sonification. He previously composed music based on particle physics data used to discover the Higgs boson, as well as from magnetometer readings from the Voyager mission. And in 2014, he composed a 12-minute piece (for harp, guitar, violin, keyboard, clarinet, and a flute) based on CERN's 60th anniversary,

"Mars Soundscapes."

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