The south-east coast is preparing for a possible strike in Florence; North Carolina, South Carolina, Virginia Declare Emergencies


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  • As tropical storm Florence increases, the authorities prepare themselves.
  • North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper declared a state of emergency on Friday night, freeing up resources for a possible landing.
  • South Carolina's Emergency Management Division urged residents to begin developing emergency plans.
  • Virginia

As tropical storm Florence threatens to spread to the southeastern coast, federal, state and local authorities are preparing and inviting residents to do the same.

The National Hurricane Center announced on Saturday that the risk of a direct impact on the southeastern coast of the United States was increasing.

"Interests along the east coast of the United States, particularly from North Florida to North Carolina, should closely follow the progress of FlorenceMake sure their hurricane plan is in place and follow the advice given by the local authorities, "the center asked.

The Federal Emergency Management Agency reminds residents to sign up for local alerts, follow reliable sources on social media, know an escape plan, discuss this plan with your family, develop animal plans and gather critical materials, according to a press release.

"FEMA encourages everyone to monitor the storm and follow the instructions of your local officials as we continue to follow this storm," said MaryAnn Tierney, FEMA Regional Administrator.

On Friday, the US Navy ordered vessels in the Hampton Roads area to adjust Charlie's condition exit ahead of Florence's planned trajectory. Ships will get ready on weekends and leave port on Monday.

"The decision to exit the Hampton Roads vessels is based on the current trajectory of Hurricane Florence, which indicates that the hurricane could result in sustained winds of more than 50 knots and a storm surge of more than 8 feet, which meets the criteria. to advance the fleet to avoid the damage caused by storms", Said the USFF commander, Admiral Christopher Grady, in a press release. "Our ships can withstand storms of this magnitude better when they are underway."

North Carolina

North Carolina Governor Roy Cooper said the state of emergency Friday night, releasing resources before a potential landing.

"While it's still too early to know the way of the storm, we know we have to be ready," Cooper said in a press release. "During the harvest, time is running out. The action of today can avoid the losses due to Florence. "

(PLUS: 11 things to get when you run to the store for hurricane emergency supplies)

The governor has also waived transportation rules to help farmers harvest and transport their crops faster.

"The decree will help to bring together and move crops in and across the state more easily and quickly in response to problems that may be caused by tropical storm Florence in North Carolina and along the east coast," he said. said the governor.

Cooper said emergency management officials were working with local and federal officials to prepare for "possible impacts".

"We are entering the peak of the hurricane season, and we know the unpredictability and power of these storms," ​​Cooper said.

With dangerous tear currents and large swells rising along the coast before the storm, North Carolina's outside bank officials are asking visitors to stay out of the ocean until they that the conditions improve

Caroline from the south

The Governor of South Carolina, Henry McMaster, declared the state of emergency at a press conference Saturday afternoon, noting that "we are preparing for the worst and, of course, hope everything will be fine. "

The declaration allows the state to implement hurricane preparations, begin coordinating resources and, if necessary, appeal to the national guard.

"It's not an evacuation. It's way too early for that, "McMaster said. "We know this happens and we know we have to take precautions."

"Being prepared is always the best strategy," he added.

South Carolina's Emergency Management Division has increased the state's state preparedness level and urged residents to begin developing emergency plans.

"Residents of South Carolina and visitors to potentially vulnerable areas should review their plans and consider what steps to take if the storm threatens the state, "according to a press release.

The main local and state agencies have been advised to be ready to respond if needed, according to the notes of the press release.

"We are watching Hurricane Florence very closely and it is too early to say what impact, if any, this storm will have on South Carolina," said Kim Stenson, director of the DCDS. we, there could be more hurricanes in the coming weeks. It is essential that every resident has a personal emergency plan and is ready to act when necessary.


Virginia Governor Ralph Northam declared the state of emergency Saturday, allowing the Commonwealth to "mobilize resources, including the Virginia National Guard, and prepositioning people and equipment to help with the response to storms and recovery efforts, "according to a press release.

"While the impacts of tropical storm Florence on Virginia are still uncertain, forecasts are increasingly predicting that the storm will turn into a major hurricane that could seriously affect the east coast and the Virginians," Governor Northam said. . "As a result, I declare the state of emergency so that we can start preparing state property and I encourage the Virginians to monitor the forecasts and to make their own preparations now . "

According to the press release, the Virginia Emergency Management Department, the Virginia National Guard, the Virginia State Police and other public bodies have already begun to get themselves off the ground. prepare for the potential impacts of Tropical Storm Florence.

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